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Level Up Short Cut?


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Hello all, I've been playing The Old Republic since it first came out but this is my first MMO, so I'm new to the way MMO's work. I have about 6 characters and a common problem I have with each one is that there is at least one planet I hate or dread going to (Republic Ex. Taris, Empire Ex. Balmorra). Just recently I had a slight "revelation" as to something I could do that might allow me to avoid the long side quests and do just the story quest without sacrificing vital experience. The purpose of this post is to see if this plan is a good idea or a bad idea and should be avoided. What I thought of doing was: When I reach a planet I hate or want to avoid, I level up doing other things, like flashpoints or Warzones (Can you even level up from pvp? I know there's Valor and all that but that's about it) then go to the planet to do only the story quests, that way I can just speed through it and get off it as soon as possible. What would the downsides be of that? What would the benefits be other than quick completion? Any input or other ideas would be greatly appreciated (So long as they are respectful!). One last thing, I realize that this idea probably isn't anything new so I understand if someone else has had this issue before. Thanks in advance for your help!
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This is actually a quite common practice. I know more than a few people, myself included who have done this.


For me, its Belsavis. Can't stand that place. So I just ran 2 WZ's per day, turned in the mission, did a space mission or 2, maybe a flashpoint or anther WZ.


After about 2 weeks of playing 2.5 hours (average) per day, I went from level 44 to 48. By that time, I had so much money, I geared my companion and myself up, knocked out the class quests on Belsavis and should ding 50 on Voss this weekend.


Heck, I talked to one guy just ran WZ's from level 10 all the way to 50. Then he geared up and did his entire class story over a rainy weekend.

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I do the same; I like PvP in the first 1-49 levels so I prefer to play multiple rounds a day for experience (but they should give more items to makes up for lost drops!). I was playing all the side quests religiously with new characters on Republic and Empire sides, but once I had one in each I didn't want to do them of my second characters. So the first 2 did all the side quests upto Hoth then PVP'd for the experience after. The next two did PVP for experience until Hoth then did the side quests.
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Space missions. I love em. No wear and tear on your gear, and for the first time each day you do them you get the fleet merits, which can help with armor, gear for the ship and even crafting mats.


I tend to level up on space missions simply because of the time involved. I often have to go AFK for extended bits, and space missions are in little 3 to 8 minute chunks, easily doable part time when working RL. Plus, if you do have to leave a space mission its not like getting yourself blown up is gonna hurt any group you are in, anyhow.

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Thanks for all the advice guys! I really appreciate it. Just one final question before I move on to try it out. First off the class I'm working on is Bounty Hunter, I just made him and he's about to start Balmorra. I've had one before on another server and he got up to the end of Tatooine at the fight with Tyresius Lokai (I know I could have character transfered but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to). My goal with this leveling up is to get back to where I was. So I understand now that I can get experience and level up by just doing space missions, flashpoints, etc. , but I'm worried about armor and weapons now.

A lot of people seem to zoom all the way up to level 50 but all I want to go to is about level 30 then begin where I left off. Since I wont be going to level 50 I cant get/use that amazing looking, drool inducing pvp armor. Then there's class quests which almost always give armor, but they aren't exactly the best pieces. What do you guys suggest I do for armor and weapons?

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Money and the market first off. Green level items on my server go for less than vendor prices. When you get to 30 buy a full set of green 30 gear then you can swap out as you get drops as you get back into class quests. If you have enough money buy the blues and purples.

If you do PVP use your PVP commendations to buy the level 20 PVP set from the vendor in the combat training area. It's an orange matched set you can modify as you get upto level 30. When you get to Tatooine everybody else will have their piecemeal dropped gear and you'll have a swanky matching set.

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