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Huttball go boom!


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This is hardly constructive in any way.... but keep an eye out for the new animation when someone holds onto the huttball too long. It actually explodes and knocks every one back.


Not sure if it does damage. I saw it on a stream from work... haven't seen it in game play yet but thought it was a nice touch.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I never saw it explode. Can you link the stream ?




Side note : do you think it take too long to explode ?

I think it does, since I've never seen it explode, and there was a time I've been able to kill a ball carrier who was going to score against my team and score myself without giving the ball to anybody (being able to cross the whole playfield without the timer running out seems to be a bit odd, it doesn't give any incentive to pass the ball as long as you survive).

Edited by Altheran
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It explodes and tosses the ball randomly to someone or resets it. I saw it happen 3 times. I think it takes too long, but it is still awesome. When you have the ball, you can see it as a debuff with timer. When the debuff goes off, you are dead. Edited by Ghostuka
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I don't know about 3-45 seconds but shorter to promote passing is a great idea. I'm not even sure what the timer is now. I've never had it explode on me.


Previously I've seen this and it was just ball carrier dead and a reset... NOW... the ball actually has an animation where it explodes like a giant grenade and people are knocked back. Nice little bit of polish.


Can't link the stream though... can't even remember who I was watching. I may however hold onto the ball too long the next time I'm winning a huttball just to see it first hand. :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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