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Can you still play after finishing Storyline & reaching level 50?


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I'm not sure if this is the right section of the Forums, but it seems to be so.


Anyway, my question is: can you still play your Character after getting level 50 and finishing your Storyline?


I've read a bit about the Endgame, but what I'm asking is can you continue on doing stuff you did before finishing Storyline and getting level 50? I.e. Traveling to various Planets, doing Quests 'nd Flashpoints, going to the Fleet.


Just wondering, cuz I'm nearing the end of my Storyline and I'm worrying that I won't be able to continue on my main Character :3

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Yes, you can continue to play them. Only difference now is you should start doing dailys to gear them up for hardmodes. Also you have Ilum to do, which gives you dailys. Also Belsavis bonus is opens once you hit around 47 i think, gives dailys. And once you finish Corellia story line it opens The black hole, also dailys. Though im not sure if you have to finish the story line anymore, it might just open at 50.
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You still have full freedom the only difference is the planet & class story quest chains are over. :D


There's the Ilum Interlude Storyline. The Post-Corellia Black Hole Storyline.


The Operation Storyline.


The Rise of the Rakghoul Storyline.


There's still lots of stories to hold you over until Chapter 4.

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