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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did the patch break affection gains?


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Last night while questing I got the usual +/- gains from convesations with my companions. Since logging on today and questing I have gotten to affection to any companions at all either positive or negative. Has anyone else experienced this problem


I have been using my Sith Sorc and all 3 companions I have right now, Khem, Andronikus and Ashara all have been the same. No affection at all from conversations

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remember if you start a convo on a mount, you get no affection points as the game thinks you have no companion summoned. you must dismount and then click on the npc.


Interesting, I did not know this. That would explain a lot then! lol

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remember if you start a convo on a mount, you get no affection points as the game thinks you have no companion summoned. you must dismount and then click on the npc.


Actually affection is stil gained it just does not show the little popup just at the end of the quest will give you in the reward window 'Gained X affection with Companion' but I considered this and made sure to not be mounted. No affection on ship, class quests, side quests. Seems to be just a bug with my character though :/

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