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Missions Given by Light Side or Dark Side Level


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Not sure where to post this idea but this seems like it would be the right place. So here is an idea I have been wondering about.




In this game I hear that the Light and Dark level our character has only slightly effects our character near the end of the story and with some gear that we have or how we look. I am not sure how much in detail that all is but I am wondering why it is so limited? You have a good mechanic hear to work with and can make it even better.


Here is what I propose. What if our Light and Dark Level also opened up more stories???

Say if we are a Light Side character Like a Jedi, Trooper, or Smuggler. (Not sure why a Smuggler is a Light side, or in this case Republic only. My opinion it should be Neutral and so should Bounty Hunter.) Anyways... Say if you were a Light side Character and you start doing your Missions. Some of Missions you will have are accessible by Light Side characters only. Now say if you were to get to a certain level of Dark Side. I think this should open up some of the Dark Side Missions for our characters to access. After all You are going to the Dark Side. It would be nice have our Stories expand a bit with that. We should not be limited to just being in Light Side stories or Dark Side stories just because of the Class we have chosen to play.


For example. One of the main things about the Start Wars stories have been the ability for a person to fall from grace to the Dark Side and over it and come back to the Light Side. That our Choices in life dictate the outcome.




With that in mind why should or Character being a certain Class matter what side he or she ends up on. With the exception of how we start out. Like starting out as either a Jedi for the Light Side or Sith for the Dark Side. We should be able to evolve our characters based on the path we choose. Could you image if you were a Jedi when you started out and at some point your character starts to go to the Dark Side and eventually becomes a Sith? Or if you are a Smuggler working for the Republic and then end up working for the Empire. Or just going from the Empire and to the Republic base on a change in views.


Why not expand the game in a way to allow our stories to evolve and have our Light Side and Dark Side level unlock more Story Arcs to choose from. Say for example we play all the way to the End Game for our Character's Class then we decided to change the path we took. So we start changing out Light Side to Dark Side or vise verse. This should allow new missions to open up and our Story to continue. In a sense going beyond the current End Game or changing the End Game entirely as we are playing from the beginning. We could have a Sith experience a Dark Side Ending then evolve to the Light Side and experience an Light Side Ending. Or A Sith to not experience a Dark Side Ending at all as he or she went to the Light Side during the first round of playing the Class.


I think that if we could have our Light Side or Dark Side Levels dictate our Stories it would greatly expand the games replay-ability. It would give us more things to experience.



The following idea may be a bit much but I will mention it anyways. I am more interested in the Idea above than this below, but it is something that popped up while think about the above idea.


You could expand this a bit as well with the Jedi and Sith and have them change Classes. Gaining abilities of either Light Side Classes or Dark Side Classes, or even having a mix of both at some point.

Having a mix of both might not work, but I briefly thought about if you were going from say Dark to Light that you would still have or know how to use the Dark Side abilities and when you use them they pull you into the Dark Side even more. So if your charter in the game was to use them they would loose a bit of Light Side points and gain some Dark Side points or vise verse. That is how it could work a bit. The main issues though with a Mix of both Light and Dark would be balancing of Classes. You would have to make it so that the abilities you loose and gain offset each other so that the Mixed Class will not be to powerful or to weak.


Like I said that part of the idea may be a bit much but the thought is out there and people can think about it and expand on it or reject it. :p




Anyways what do you all think about having our Light Side and Dark Side Level unlocking more Store Arcs for our Classes, allowing us to have more or different Missions to play?


Do you think it would be good enough to ask the SWTOR DEV's to think about?

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