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Athene interview with Cory Butler


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2 things stand out here


1. he mentions that there are about 500,000 players active. thats a HUGE drop

2. why do the devs think that adding in a new warzone/op every 4-5 months is expanding endgame? all that does is create maybe 10-20 hours of fresh gameplay at the endgame level, and then its the same old repetitive crap that people are canceling for in the first place.


this game needs persistent and meaningful open world pvp, and pve that doesnt get outrageously stale after clearing 2-3 times. those are the kind of things people will pay for, and will stick around to continue playing

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this game needs persistent and meaningful open world pvp, and pve that doesnt get outrageously stale after clearing 2-3 times. those are the kind of things people will pay for, and will stick around to continue playing


might wanna look for another game..theres no way swtor can produce that....no way...

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