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you mean i have to wait a week to pvp? because being a healer and pvping is not a good match. sure i can heal my self but whats the point if i cant defend my self. losing health faster than i can heal. its better to be a dps in pvp and healer in the flashpoints.

Being a healer in pvp isnt healing yourself only, is healing your team8s, and the tank protects u.

Also getting gear is just getting gear, i want new powers or my lightning to be at level 10 . something like that. Being a healer sucks when you need to fight , reason why i do all 3 skill trees but i cant max them out. if i want to max them out i have to wait every week to change them. and then for that week i am a maxed out healer for ops and flashpoints. that sucks.

gain better gear means power up your already abilities

and being healer isnt to fight to do dmg and kill others, but keeping alive by healing your team8s.

A side note, the inquist. story line was all about gaining power. now i am level 50 and i am just gaining gear. The dread masters said they would teach me, now i see they are my enemy (***). i was so looking forward to learning just one new power with them. exp. pack maybe. but they already screwed it up.


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Someone's new to the genre.


At first I thought this person was mixing up skills/abilities with the talent trees, especially considering they were talking about "gaining new/more power". If this person is new to MMOs, you'd think they'd stop and read what other people have posted, rather than hunkering down in their corner. This problem could be "solved" by introducing dual-spec, but I get the feeling the OP's trees would still be 10/10/10.

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On healing in PVP not being viable? I am laughing. Hard.


I play a marauder, pure DPS, in annihilation which is from what many say 'the best' spec. I can attack a Jedi Sage in PVP and have them completely ignore me while a commando heals them for every bit of damage I manage to do. I do 500 damage? Well their heal does a thousand, so they only need to heal every two times I attack in that case.


PVP healing is one of the best things to do, if you are smart and don't just focus on yourself, as you can out heal most damage if it comes down to a single person dishing it out.

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