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Thank you for the Chevin event


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Hey BioWare, just wanted to give a thank you to you guys and especially your special event team for the Chevin scavenger hunt event. I appreciate your work on the event and wanted to give you guys some feedback, both positive and some room for improvement. Ultimately I enjoyed the event but wanted to leave my thoughts, and I hope others might use this post as an opportunity for constructive criticism and praise.


For starters, I love that you left clues everywhere for how to track down the items for the hunt. During the Rakghoul plague event, the "triggers" for each daily event were so random that I felt required to go look up the event on the internet to find where I should go. This time since the clues were presented to me, I did the entire event without a guide and I think it made it a lot more fun! I wish other people would have attempted the event without a guide before frolicking to the internet for a walkthrough.. no one goes on a scavenger hunt and says "Okay, but can't you just tell me where everything is?"


I feel like the mission chain where you are working with the Imperial/Republic agents to expose the Chevin plot should have been drawn out in a daily fashion. Instead of unlocking the entire line on day one, this would have been a good opportunity to have bits and pieces unlock on a daily basis would have added to the suspense and immersion of the event. For instance, the mission where you "ride" the air vents to spy on the Chevin meeting would have taken place toward the end of the event instead of on day one.


Despite a lot of negative feedback, I thought the rewards for this mission were great, and no, I don't play a character yet that uses rifles or snipers. The bowcasters are a unique item that can't be used anywhere else.. they're a collectors item. Same for the broken down speeder.. sure its not feasible to use at level 50 since it is 90% speed, but there isn't another speeder in the game like it! I think the uniqueness of the rewards were great.


I was disappointed that there was not any sort of "World Boss" like the Rakghoul event. Those were great social events. In fact, this event felt very "single player". I appreciate the unique-ness of the missions, but I have to say I did not enjoy the "wait in line" style missions where you had to wait for people to finish it for themselves and then be the fastest to click the point. I understand why you did it this way, but I hope there are alternatives to streamline this a bit more in the future.


Last I'll leave a little bug report.. if you completed some of the "bonus series" missions in a group, you sometimes wouldn't get the 5 free "Tokens of Enrichment". For instance, I know the Hutt robot race that takes place on the Promenade, if you turned it in as a group, you would NOT get the 5 tokens, but if you turned it in solo, you would. I believe there were also a few on Dromund Kaas that worked this way. Would appreciate this being looked into for next time.


All and all, I enjoyed the event and put a ton of hours into it... I ran it on six characters and ended up with one of each item on the vendor. Oh, and I'm glad you decided to make the event armor sets Bind on Legacy! Very good decision in my opinion.


Thanks again, can't wait for the next one!


EDIT: Oh, one more thing! I hope there is something that can be done about data mining in the future. Everyone knew exactly what was going to happen on the event before it even happened because it was added to the code way before the event took place. I know it is risky to dump fresh, untested code on a live server to avoid data mining, but I think it would make the events more fun if no one knew what was going to happen!

Edited by KPureblade
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