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Evolve pvp please!


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Dear Bioware


Is it so hard to understand?


We need cross server ranked warzones with a ladder!


We need class balancing!


Add vanity items for the top ranked teams.


This game has unlimited e-sports potential. Why are you not exploring this?


I am seriously doubting your (Bioware's) decision making capabilities. There is somebody at Bioware who clearly do not understand the importance of building a thriving PvP community in an MMO.


Adding more levels? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?


Adding more space combat! SERIOUSLY!?


The community has clearly stated that you have put too much effort into the leveling process and too little in the endgame! WHY WOULD YOU START OVER WITH MORE LEVELING MATERIAL!?!?!? Also, a minor effect of this will be that it will be making the other endgame content old and obsolete.. SO BY DOING THIS YOU WILL FAIL AGAIN ON THE ENDGAME CONTENT!


How on earth did this idea get passed the drawing board?!




Best regards



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I agree with your sentiment, but honestly you don't know just how difficult the task is that you are setting out for them to complete on a widescale MMO (re-balancing classes, new PVP rewards, and new PVP areas/events are all massive undertakings that require months of testing), not to mention you are vastly overestimating the emphasis on PVP in an MMO, and this is coming from someone who PVP's exclusively and doesn't do much end game raiding.


Re-balancing alone is extremely dangerous for SWTOR at this state. All players that are still here endure any unbalance there is. Just wait till you start buffing and nerfing classes, there would be more rage unsubscriptions than attraction of new members. They don't have the luxury to mess with it right now with how dangerously low the populations are on the servers.


In all honesty, MMO's are for guilds and raiding, RPG's like this are havens for PVE'ers more than any other group of players. The PVP, and most of the gameplay, in this game is identical to that of WoW. Most people here aren't here for the PVP combat, those that are are just going to go to Guild Wars 2.


Obviously PVP is still important, and they will expand on it, I am just saying that end game PVE content is the most important thing for expanding the user base and advancing the game, PVP will be put on the backburner for a little while longer while they churn out that content because it is what most of their user base represents.


Again, this is coming from someone who exclusively PVP's after a character reaches 50.

Edited by Syrathic
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Well I believe that making the PvP a spectator friendly e-sport would set this game apart.


Not even trying to compete for PvP:era with GW2 is a huge problem.


PvP in this game trumps the PvE on every aspect. They really just need to put more effort into it and add stuff that will attract new players.


i believe that they have the foundation for something great. They just need to reinforce it.

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I don't understand. You just proved my point twice. The PVE in this game is not up to snuff. This game has infinitely greater PVP options compared to when WoW was first released, but is seriously lacking in end-game PVE. They lost and overwhelming majority of their subscriptions because end-game PVE is non-existent, not because there wasn't enough PVP (though it is a factor).


I agree that they have the basis to have something truly special here, but all I am saying is that re-hauling PVP is a massive undertaking that they have to focus entirely on and not something they can do simultaneously. They don't have the luxury to spend all their time working on it, they are operating at a huge financial loss right now, as it stands if they free 2 play option doesn't succeed, we will likely see SWTOR vanish in a year's time. They don't have the time/resources to mess around with classes and PVP. They MUST develop end-game PVE content.


They will probably address PVP within the next half a year or so, but until then, they really need to churn out more PVE content. As said, this game can't hold a candle to rival PVP games, not to mention there is very little original about it other than lightsabers, and that won't change even with a PVP overhaul.


They need to attract WoW/MMO PVE'ers, not PVP'ers, or else this game won't exist long enough to see your request fulfilled. At this very moment, they have less subscribers than their break-even costs. The game cost hundreds of millions and now they are losing millions a month maintaining it. We are in dire straights. PVP won't save it single-handedly.

Edited by Syrathic
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If you read my post again you will see that Im not talking about an overhaul. Quite the opposite actually.


Im talking about adding features to what is done today. Not redo it.


A ranked ladder for war zone teams is not that far fetched.


Being able to watch ranked games should not be either.


Adding more gear should be natural as well.


So I really don't understand what you mean by me suggesting an overhaul?

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First of all I want to say that I actually love PvP, from the warzone maps to the class mechanics. I am have alot of fun but I am missing some of the things that should be in a AAA title.


I propose that they do the following:


1. Put more effort into class balancing. Why? - Because it is what keeps players playing. It is supposed to be a challange and it is supposed to be fun. Waiting 6 months for a nerf or a buff just does not cut it. The large crowd does not have that kind of patience.


2. Release ranked warzones with a ladder ranking system, with the posibility to add teams. Why? Because it will draw huge crowds that will want to compete for glory. Fans will flock and pour time and money to be like their idols. Excell in creating this and you will be a truly great MMO.


3. Add new gear for every season of Warzones and also vanity items. Why? - Because every kid that plays MMO likes gear-progression. It is the small goals and the increase in efficiancy that drives us to put in the time and effort. You want to be able to compete with the best and have the best possible gear. I know that some people will say that this is what kills competitive PvP. But I dont think that is the case. You learn alot by the trip from newly dinged 50 to full War Hero and fully augmented. By the time you are fully equiped you will hopefully be a more skilled player and be able to compete with the very best ( or atleast try). It s just something that is very fun along the way of becoming a better player.


4. Cross-server queus. - Why? Because you cannot build a thriving competitive PvP enviroment if you have to queu for as much time as you spend actually playing. Also you need to be able to compete with a larger base of players.


5. Release new warzones every now and then ( not a priority). Why? - Because we need variety. The above stated 4 points are vastly more important though.


6. Make it possible to watch live games. - Very important when it comes to PvP developement. You need to allow fans the possibility to watch their idols play. It is also a very important way for the developers to see how the game plays on the top levels.


Doing this will bring back the competitive players who in their turn will bring back the fans and the ones that aspire to be like the pros.

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