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Shadow of Relent


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Shadow of Relent: A Sorcerer's Studies


Author: Bird_of_Thunder

Main Character's Class: Sorcerer



Korros Rowann - human male, sith sorcerer

Ravvok Durandal - human male, sith marauder

Darth Morva - pureblood male, sith sorcerer

Klypse Novarre - miralian female, sith assassin

Kato Novarre - miralian male, sith juggernaut

Nalex Tosslo - pureblood male, sith sorcerer



Korriban - Chapter 1

Dromund Kaas - Chapters 2-4, 6-8

Nal Hutta - Chapter 5



Korros Rowann was brought to the academy on Korriban as a slave. He passed the trials with little difficulty, except for a rival acolyte named Ma'yt. Harkun had favored Ma'yt due to the latter being a pureblood. However, Darth Morva, one of Harkun's many superiors, saw promise in Korros. He recruited the young sorcerer to be tested in what Korros thought were private trials.*

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Chapter 1

Korros walked out to the platform where the Dromund Kaas shuttle was parked. It dropped off many passengers and picked up many more. Five mercenaries walked out of the shuttle and stopped Korros. "Are you Korros Rowann?" the leader asked. Korros nodded proudly. "We have a job to kill you. Don't take it personally, we need the credits. If you resist, well then you're outta luck." Korros frowned and replied, "You will fall to me. Now die!" The mercenaries began to fire, but Korros's quickness helped him draw his lightsaber and deflect the bolts back to kill two of them. He kept deflecting the bolts, but he couldn't redirect them. He heard a yell from behind him. Leaping from the exit to the landing pad was a human male wielding two yellow lightsabers. He cut two of the mercenaries, just leaving the leader. The final mercenary stepped back to the ledge of the platform. "C-cmon, we can work this out" he tried to say. But the newcomer just Force-pushed the leader off. He closed his lightsabers and went to the shuttle. "Wait!" Korros said. The human spun around to face Korros. "I never got your name" the sorcerer said. The newcomer stepped on to the shuttle, but replied, "Ravvok." Korros walked on to the shuttle as well, and it took off to Dromund Kaas.


Chapter 2

The shuttle landed at the Dromund Kaas Spaceport. Ravvok and Korros waited for the rest of the acolytes to be brought to the spaceport. When they all arrived, a large taxi arrived to pick them up and shuttle them to Darth Morva's compound. As all the new acolytes filed in, Darth Morva observed them with high interest. "Greetings, supplicants. As you know, I am Darth Morva, however you all shall address me as 'Master'. Is that well understood?" All the acolytes nodded. "Good. Now, I am aware that we already have a warrior in our midst. Will the supplicant who killed Overseer Tremel please step forward." Ravvok walked up to the front. Korros was suprised, but not in total shock considering that Ravvok had shown his abilities when killing the mercenaries on Korriban. Morva put his hands behind his back and nodded at Ravvok. "What's your name, acolyte?" "Ravvok" the human responded. Morva nodded for him to return to the crowd. "Now, as Ravvok has demonstrated, there are chains we must break to become powerful. By the time these trials are over, only one of you shall remain. Now, all of you are dismissed." The acolytes filed out. Korros caught Ravvok on his way out. "You are a promising warrior. If we were to team up, we would be the last ones standing for sure. What do you say to this, Ravvok?" The warrior considered this. Then, he extended his arm, and Korros shook it. "When we are the last ones standing, do not expect remorse" Ravvok said. The two caught up with the rest of the acolytes.


Chapter 3

Korros walked through the halls of the Sith Sanctum. Darth Morva had called him in for a private meeting, *but Korros didn't know what it was about. He was prepared for the worst, however. As he walked in, he saw Darth Morva sitting in the chair behind the Sith's desk. Suprisingly, there was another acolyte in the room; Kato, a miralian warrior. He had taken the opposite path that Ravvok had taken; the path of the juggernaut. A ruthless, heavily armed warrior with a single lightsaber. Morva looked pleased that Korros had entered. "Ah, you're both here. After extensive study, I have discovered that there is a Sith behind the recent slave rebellion at the Unfinished Colossus. He is dangerous, and it will take two powerful sorcerers to kill him. You two show promise, so I am giving you this as your first task. Consider yourselves partners, considering that with Kato's might and Korros's knowledge you will be an unstoppable team. Now go, do your master's bidding." The acolytes bowed and went outside. Korros turned to Kato on the way out and said, "Do you think we will make it back?" While the inquisitor was confident on Korriban, Dromund Kaas was a whole different world. Kato stared out into the stormy skies. "Of course. You worry a lot for a 'powerful' young sorcerer." Kato wouldn't admit it, but he was afraid they wouldn't make it back either. The two just stood, staring off into the city.

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