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Favorite Ensign Temple Customization Poll


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I am curious as to know what everybody's favorite Ensign Temple customization is. I am torn between 2 and 7 but i believe i am gonna go with 2. Please share your favorites and why. If your a fan of the original just say 0 or original. Pictures of your Ensign decked out is encouraged for others to get a taste of what certain skins look like with sexy gear on a sexy toon :D
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i got no idea wich one is it, but shes sort of looks ike a latina with a black haired ponytail, give her a trenchcoat and some glasses and she looks pimpin with matching blasters ill try and gte some pics tomorrow, cant remember wich number is that custo.
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I like her original look.


To each their own, but it strikes me as creepy that you start talking to one person in the storyline, then they magically morph into someone else. (This is without the added creep factor of being able to customize your love interest to meet whatever you personally think is attractive. With that said, Temple is pretty sexy as a willowy black woman.)

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Don't know the customization number, but the one that makes her sort of look like Jaesa.


That's #7. Temple never leaves her spot on my ship cause as a DPS Op, she serves no point. I'd rather have Kaliyo or SCORPIO in offensive stance. Their abilities reduce incoming damage and they can pull aggro without much of an issue on stuff that I'm not killing. If you're not a tank, the DPS companions just suck!

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