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Taris & General Taxi Pathing Improvements


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This isn't a support issue per se, but the taxi speeder pathfinding on Taris is pretty terrible, sometimes going 10secs in the wrong direction before looping back on itself.


I think general improvements could be made to the taxi system so that you don't have to hit every stop along the way, especially in cases where they put you out of the way... the same trouble I've noticed on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa and Dromund Kass where there is no single taxi that can go from one side to the other.


I had an idea a while ago where at a certain level or, better yet, after discovering the entire planet map, you could unlock an upgraded taxi (like a mini shuttle transport ship like on Balmorra) that could go directly to a taxi location, flying way up above the landscape to avoid terrain and tree collisions (another problem with the Alderaanian taxi - flying through tree trunks). This would also provide an excellent view of the whole planet potentially.


Not sure if this would do better in the suggestion box.



Hi Loonybin,


Thanks for the feedback. However, as you've guessed, the place to post this is in the Suggestion Box subforum.


Again, thank you.


Not much else to say, I just think the taxi system could use some work.

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I agree. Even going between two adjacent taxi spots can be annoyingly not a straight path. The turns might make sense if they had cool animations of mobs chasing you and forcing you off course, but nope. You just do loops for fun it seems.


Also don't see the point in having to pay for taxis. Not that it's expensive, but if I'm a Dark Council member, I highly doubt mr taxi driver is going to dare charge me money to take me where I need to go. There are just so many money sinks in this game!

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Bringing this back up because it is annoying me again - Taris and Nar Shaddaa are particularly bad.


As for Huxxar's comment, I see your point, but I would say two things: lots of aspects of this game don't quite mesh as well as an RPer would like, and I think the fact that you pay for taxis and pay to travel in your ship could be explained away with fuel cost... sort of.


Anyway, I think this system wouldn't be too hard to improve.

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