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Should You Be Able to Tag Players


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So i Heal pvp occasionally if im bored or people qq-ing that there are none atm to be a good guy.


Anyways, maybe every 4th match, i can 100% tell i have a target marker on my head, and in 50 pvp it gets to the point i step out of the swawn area and im dead lol. Now i dont really care in the end pvp is for ***** and giggles to me but its annoying haha.


We were at the 2nd set of doors in Voidstar, i died maybe 10 times (lag and 5 ppl attacking me its just over lol) So i decided to think of ways to do this, So i steped 1 inch out the door and stayed up top to heal.


GUESS WAHT pulled out of the spawn before even getting a chance to move lol really.


Anywas if u took the target markers off my head my name is still there they can still see what i look like so why need the market.


AT VERY LEAST now this i support is IT SHOULD NOT PERSIST THROUGH DEATH thats all :)


Lets hear what ya think and dps dont try to say something YOU DONT GET TAGGED you dont know how it feels :p

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So i Heal pvp occasionally if im bored or people qq-ing that there are none atm to be a good guy.


Anyways, maybe every 4th match, i can 100% tell i have a target marker on my head, and in 50 pvp it gets to the point i step out of the swawn area and im dead lol. Now i dont really care in the end pvp is for ***** and giggles to me but its annoying haha.


We were at the 2nd set of doors in Voidstar, i died maybe 10 times (lag and 5 ppl attacking me its just over lol) So i decided to think of ways to do this, So i steped 1 inch out the door and stayed up top to heal.


GUESS WAHT pulled out of the spawn before even getting a chance to move lol really.


Anywas if u took the target markers off my head my name is still there they can still see what i look like so why need the market.


AT VERY LEAST now this i support is IT SHOULD NOT PERSIST THROUGH DEATH thats all :)


Lets hear what ya think and dps dont try to say something YOU DONT GET TAGGED you dont know how it feels :p


I'm ok with it persisting through death as long as they also make it so that you and your team can easily see that you are marked by the enemy team (a large, red Republic/Empire symbol will do).

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I have a sorc healer a commando healer and a operative healer all in the 50 bracket


being marked in pvp is part of a healers life,


use terrain to your advantage

q with either a tank that will guard or a dps that will peel

be as mobile as you can be

you are playing against good teams with coordination or atleast a few good players on there team.


On my sorc i dread being marked but on my operative and merc i enjoy the challenge of getting my head kicked in while keeping my team up.


Also as a healer i useually keep my eyes open for other teams healers and mark them i think marks should stay

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Sounds to me your team was bad at peeling/guarding/taunting. Getting marked as a healer doesn't mean automatic death, although a semi competent team will usually focus you, but this is where your "team" is supposed to help. IMO, the issue isn't being marked, the issue lies with the healers team who for the most part, don't understand how to do the above. Even then, you're going to die a few times, but I don't have any issues with players being marked. Edited by Pistols
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I hate being marked but it's a fact of life. Although maybe reduce the size of the mark from distance. I mean seriously the thing is bigger than the huts in NC looking from the spawn. You can see where all the healers are anywhere on the map from there. Maybe make it kind of tough to see from farther than, uhhh I don't know 50m or so sounds reasonable. A well coordinated team could assign specific icons for each class(2 for healers, 2 for tanks, rest for problem DPS) and know where all the players are on a team from the spawn. That's better than a UAV.
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Yea for sure the team was garbage wont deny that, i aske for guard twice and some dudes telling me to stop crying lol i dunno.


Good to see you thoughts tho deinfetly see where everyone is coming from.


Normally i am able to use my positioning for better and what not im definetly not incompetant. That one match was just insanity as i said step out INSTANLY get pulled in and 4 Knights jump my way lol wasent a good time.


But yea its life, curently wearing BH figured it would suffice read something somewhere that BH is only 1% less effective in pvp as BM is and im just a healer sooo shouldnt matter as much as other classes (still finish upwards off 300-400k ish so w.e)


But yea thanks for the tips with it all good to see some understanding answers on these forums.

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I have a sorc healer a commando healer and a operative healer all in the 50 bracket


being marked in pvp is part of a healers life,


The funny part is when you're a dps sorc/sage and you still get marked, because people either take a chance on marking you in case you're a healer OR they just mark you cause you're a sorc, period. Just a quicker kill.


You know how much fun being marked as a dps sage is, with no real heals to sustain yourself? ;)

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Yea for sure the team was garbage wont deny that, i aske for guard twice and some dudes telling me to stop crying lol i dunno.


Good to see you thoughts tho deinfetly see where everyone is coming from.


Normally i am able to use my positioning for better and what not im definetly not incompetant. That one match was just insanity as i said step out INSTANLY get pulled in and 4 Knights jump my way lol wasent a good time.


But yea its life, curently wearing BH figured it would suffice read something somewhere that BH is only 1% less effective in pvp as BM is and im just a healer sooo shouldnt matter as much as other classes (still finish upwards off 300-400k ish so w.e)


But yea thanks for the tips with it all good to see some understanding answers on these forums.

expertise is much more important to a healer than any other cast. i would wear BM > BH.


for a dps (especially ranged), BH is probably about as good as BM, but as a healer, pvp gear definitely helps your survival as you're taking a beating and healing yourself.

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Marking is fine.


Some players, especially maras/sents, get such tunnel vision when trying to kill me that all game objectives tend to fall to the wayside. For example, yesterday I played a very similar Voidstar match as to the one the OP described. As soon as I stepped out of respawn the enemy was all over me. I ended up dying 19 times even though my Sage is in full-WH augmented gear. The next lowest death number on my team was 7. However, the enemy team's obsession with killing me allowed my team to rack up serious DPS, plant all bombs, and reach the datacore for the win because they were all so incredibly focused on me.


As a healer I've come to accept that in SWTOR a healer's role is three-fold: heal, tank, and distract. First and foremost we heal. Second we absorb a lot of the enemy's damage (wish it didn't have to be like that however). And third, we distract by using the target above our heads to lead the enemy away from objectives.

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As someone that plays a sage and sorc DPS, I do get tagged quite often. Sometimes it is just because someone can't tell the difference btwn DPS and heals, other times because I just took out half their team one at a time, or even occasionally by guildmates playing on the other side. That said, it doesn't matter if people tag you or not. If more than two people are focusing you, that gives the rest of your team time to get the objectives.
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Yesterday went much better but still typical Canderous Ordo Imps just suck so never get the best defence.


OK so Bm would be better well BH better then recruit so ill continue from here.


Yeah, your BH beats Recruit by a pretty huge margin, but BM is going to be the best for you as a healer (survivability > HPS output) since the Expertise will mitigate a portion of the trauma debuff. Don't waste your credits on Recruit gear, but try to get into BM as quickly as possible (as a healer, your BM weapon isn't going to be as high of a priority as it is for DPS classes, you can safely go for your BM set bonuses first).

Edited by Darth_Philar
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