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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP forum becoming like WoWs


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Im confused to what people seem to see as problems with the PvP System. My Level 22BH is having hell of alot of fun in pvp.. i am always top 5 in the damage (Usualy top 3).


All i seem to be seeing on the PvP forums is "Why dont this happen", "This is unfair", "This dosent work".

The pvp is proberly one of the best ive seen in any MMO, it easily rivals WoW if not beats it. As for the people saying the bolstering systems ****, would you rather not be able to get into the Warzone at all? Bioware have said there bringing out competitive PvP later on but why would they make it now when theres not enough people to group up on a server...


I can already see the people who played wow, who spent far to much time QQing about things they didnt have rather than making use of what they do have and enjoying it.. People need to start using the forums to help inform other players and build a good pvp comunity, the games not even out yet and people are crying over things that realy... dont matter.


Thats my opinion anywho, personaly i dont want to everytime i log onto the pvp forums to see a bunch of CryCry posts.

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Unfortunately, natural migration from WoW to SWTOR is expected. I'd guess a good 75% of the player base here either play WoW actively or have done so in the past. Sadly that includes the morons as well as everyone else.


The amount of QQ over a game which doesn't even officially release until tomorrow is staggering. Sure there are some issues to be addressed but that'll come in time. I really think people are so brainwashed from World of Lulcraft that they automatically head to "whine on forum" for every little thing that they don't perceive as perfect. This is a new game and it'll get much better in time. As a vanilla release, I think they've done a fantastic job.

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this game is going to resemblence Biowares Mass effect 3 not WOW


there bio wares mass effect 3 is going to have muiplty player and probly look just like starwars.. lol but with a diffrent story and diffrent things/ weapons armour ect party systems also i dont care to complain i just play the game then it gets runined i get a few max levels then i dont play for awile and just hope thay fix everything

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Why are you singling out wow's community? Have you played any other mmo since wow's release? It's all the same....war, aoc, aion, rift, etc. all have similar community bases.


News flash, every mmo, heck even non-mmo gaming forums, has the same elements or genre of player. You've go the whiners, cry baby's, fan boys, homers, elitests, casuals, and trolls, they are part of life. SWTOR is no different...i knew that from playing beta for 6 months. You would have thought being privelaged enough to be part of early early beta would have kept some of these idiots hushed.

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Why are you singling out wow's community? Have you played any other mmo since wow's release? It's all the same....war, aoc, aion, rift, etc. all have similar community bases.


News flash, every mmo, heck even non-mmo gaming forums, has the same elements or genre of player. You've go the whiners, cry baby's, fan boys, homers, elitests, casuals, and trolls, they are part of life. SWTOR is no different...i knew that from playing beta for 6 months. You would have thought being privelaged enough to be part of early early beta would have kept some of these idiots hushed.


But seeing as a HUGE number of players from TOR have proberyl played WoW... its an easy comparison.


The fact is that we ALL know how it goes in other MMO's so why would we want it to happen here. One of the biggest reason wow was failing was because of the PvP system. But the SWTOR PvP System seems great. People go into a Warzone and get trounced, instead of blaming themselves they blame the game, im a Multi-glad on wow... but hell first time i went into a warzone i got shat on too.... But im not blaming the game, its a learning curve, people make stupid posts about class imbalance, when a few weeks ago the forums were full of posts saying "Cant wait to get out of my Old MMO and into this new one, the PvP is so unbalanced"..


All i want to see is less QQ posts more.


So i worked out that this is a good rotation fro pvp.


Huttball works good in a team comprised of these classes.


If your a healer, pocket heal a jugernaught and smack kids up



Im not saying that where will never be complaints, hell im very worried about the BH movement capeabilitys (Arsenal), but i wont start making a rant when i get trounced by melee because i see nothing to gain from it, the games been out 1 week tommorow, i cant judge the end game pvp, and no one should be.



Again this is just my opinion on the state of the pvp forums, there will always be the few 12 year olds wanting something the class they didnt role has.

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Biggest thing I want to see is OW PvP get rewards, this will bring more of the casuals into OW PvP.


I enjoy the WZ's for a quick PvP fix but they pale in comparison to OW PvP.


The saddest day ever was when the term "open world pvp" was created... Once upon a time we had pvp and instanced pvp. Now we have pvp and "open world pvp".

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