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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Defense Medals


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You know...I've noticed this quitting thing happening a lot lately. Mainly, it's peeps in Recruit gear. They give the fight their best shot at the beginning, but as soon as things go sideways, they give up and node squat. I don't say anything to them anymore, and I don't let it bother me. I just play the match out differently than I started it.


If the match started out as objective play and peeps pitch their tent, then it is no longer an objective match. It now becomes a tdm situation and I maximize this to its fullest. Usually, there is one or two other peeps on the team still fighting so I send tells to them and we duo the rest of the match. Instead of playing the objectives, which would just be a waste of time at that point, we try to lure opponents into favorable fights and situations for us. It makes these matches a lot more fun, and since I'm really playing this game to have fun, I find this to be a better option than getting frustrated over what quitters do or don't do.


By the way, I PvP in the 50 bracket on two servers. This is not a frequent problem Pub-side on The Bastion. However, it happens quite a bit Imp-side on Jung Ma. Not sure why there is such a disparity in the behavior of the two different servers, but it is what it is.


In this regard, I don't blame peeps for bailing before a WZ starts when they notice there are 3-5 players in Recruit gear. Those Recruit geared peeps really are the culprits that give up more often than not before the match is over.

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