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Position of Acolytes and Apprentices in Sith Empire


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My agent knows that she should treat her Sith superiors, Lords and Darths, with uttmost respect, but what about Acolytes and Apprentices? They are force sensitive Siths, so they belong to the upper class of Sith society and clearly are superior to the ordinary citizens. Do they too have the right to, for example, kill non-Sith without repercussion? How should my agent adress them? "My lord" seems kind of strange...
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You are adressed as "My lord" as an Apprentice throughout Sith Warrior/Inquisitor Prologue after you get off Korriban, and according to a quest on Dromund Kaas, Sith acolytes are considered proper Sith as well because other Sith attacking Acolytes in the streets of Kaas City were executed for it.


Renegin, the quest giver, says; "Attacking Sith is a major crime, even for other Sith", implying that even Acolytes are considered part of the same separate, "superior society" that higher-ranked Sith belong to.

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I think the generic term of "Sith" is acceptable as well as "Lord" or "My lord", as quite a few members of the Imperial military called my Sith characters throughout the story and planetary quests.


There is no question though that the Sith are the ruling elite of the Empire and even the lowest Sith is considered superior to the non Force users.


I always thought of the Sith Empire like the Spartans in terms of their society. Those Spartans who were afforded all rights and privileges of citizenship were called Homoioi or "Peers"/"Equals" and they were the warriors,lords, of Spartan blood and lineage(Mothax were children of Spartans and slaves and could be considered Homoioi if elevated to that status)etc., then there were the Periokoi who could fight in the military and were considered property of the state and lesser than Homoioi and finally you had Helots, who were the slaves of Sparta and had no rights unless the were Mothax.


Ok, history lesson is over but you can see the similarities.

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You are adressed as "My lord" as an Apprentice throughout Sith Warrior/Inquisitor Prologue after you get off Korriban, and according to a quest on Dromund Kaas, Sith acolytes are considered proper Sith as well because other Sith attacking Acolytes in the streets of Kaas City were executed for it.


Renegin, the quest giver, says; "Attacking Sith is a major crime, even for other Sith", implying that even Acolytes are considered part of the same separate, "superior society" that higher-ranked Sith belong to.


True, but I think there is one thing in addition:


If you serve a (powerful) Sith and he considers you a valuable asset, he will be p***ed if an acolyte or apprentice kills you. And that won't end nice for the apprentice.


Even if you are a slave. The Sith Warrior can kill one of Baras' slaves on Dromund Kaas. If you do this, Baras' answer makes clear that this is not acceptable behavior for an apprentice. He only accepts it because you are one of his most powerful apprentices ever and allowing you to kill his slaves shows this to other Sith..


Also, non-Sith can be placed above Sith in the command chain. Grand Moff Kilran had at least one Sith apprentice under his command in the Esseles Flashpoint.

(I somehow doubt Kilran said: "My Lord, would you consider killing the republic bording party?" I guess he said: "Lord Vokk, there is a republic boarding party on this ship. Go to the hangar bay and stop them.")


So in short: High ranking Sith can put you in positions above apprentices and acolytes, but that's not the default position.

Edited by Maaruin
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My agent knows that she should treat her Sith superiors, Lords and Darths, with uttmost respect


My agent doesn't treat them like that. It's pretty funny to watch their reactions when I don't. Sure, I get shocked with lightning from time to time, but whatever. Screw those guys.

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If you serve a (powerful) Sith and he considers you a valuable asset, he will be p***ed if an acolyte or apprentice kills you. And that won't end nice for the apprentice.


Irrelevant though, as a non-Sith must still treat Sith with respect regardless of how "protected" they think they are. Sith shouldn't go around killing people just because they can, but they also can't be weak if a lesser person steps out of line.


So no, your Agent isn't going to be allowed to mouth off to a Sith Lord or Sith Apprentice because you do wetwork some Darth, they're still well within their rights to crush your larynx and make it up to your master later with a formal apology and buying him a six-pack. Of slaves.

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Irrelevant though, as a non-Sith must still treat Sith with respect regardless of how "protected" they think they are. Sith shouldn't go around killing people just because they can, but they also can't be weak if a lesser person steps out of line.


So no, your Agent isn't going to be allowed to mouth off to a Sith Lord or Sith Apprentice because you do wetwork some Darth, they're still well within their rights to crush your larynx and make it up to your master later with a formal apology and buying him a six-pack. Of slaves.


Of course you have to show respect to them. Everything else would be stupid.


This was more directed to the killing thing. Not every acolyte or apprentice can kill an agent without repercussion.


Mouthing off to them is a dangerous game. If you are lucky, a smart apprentice would only torture you without permanent damage for this. After all you don't know what the master will want compensation for their death. But of course every Agent with some kind of brain and survival instinct wouldn't risk it.

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The "Sith Titles" lore codex entry (found on Korriban) has this to say on the topic:


" An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith–no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as “my lord” out of respect. "

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