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Why Does a Watchmen have to be around 35% Crit???


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I'm soooo lost on this , last night while I was raiding, guildies ask me, why I'm not on 35% critical range as Watcmen. I'm at 30% crit with Smuggler Buff, I thought you really dont need to be high crit due to being watchmen, when my DoTS are at 100% critical when Zen is up. Someone please enlighten me on this!!!
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I'm soooo lost on this , last night while I was raiding, guildies ask me, why I'm not on 35% critical range as Watcmen. I'm at 30% crit with Smuggler Buff, I thought you really dont need to be high crit due to being watchmen, when my DoTS are at 100% critical when Zen is up. Someone please enlighten me on this!!!


Your guildies dont know what theyre talking about in this case, dont worry pal :)

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They're saying that You need to be in 35% so when your Juyo form is at 5x your in constant 100%...k please just explain how that work (....I'm really confuse.


Then they don't understand Watchman talents/abilities:


Zen = 100% critical chance on the next six burns + they heal the party for 1% health.


Juyo Mastery = Burns gain 1% per point (max of 3) to crit per stack of Juyo. This means with 3 points and at 5 stacks you gain 15% crit to burns.


If you were at their given figure of 35% then you would therefore have 50% crit chance on burns once you get 5 stacks of Juyo. There is also Insight which would add another flat 6% on top of all that.


I'm currently sitting at 33% fully raidbuffed and that's EXACTLY where I want to be (I just like having 1/3 of my attacks crit - 48% crit on burns (I don't have Insight) is gravy so it's not worth busting a gut and losing out on other stats too get that extra 2%.


Considering I do a frankly improbable amount of dps as it is my guild don't complain (well, other than the usual 'STOP TRYING TO PULL AGGRO' and 'YOU ARE SQUISHY STOP GETTING HIT' from tanks/healers but I like to give them something to do so they don't get bored).

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Thank You Very much Cine clarifying that, I'm very new to this game, and my Sentinel is my 1st 50. Its the reason im asking this all question. Can you please post your full build sir as watchmen for pve dps and your opening/complete rotation sir. Thank You very much for your time and the Sentinel Community! Also sir, I've been stacking up POWER on augments and geared side, while trying to maintain 100% accuracy and try to maintain 30%+ on crit...is the the proper way doing it as watchmen sentinel? Edited by Tethyr
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Considering I do a frankly improbable amount of dps as it is my guild don't complain (well, other than the usual 'STOP TRYING TO PULL AGGRO' and 'YOU ARE SQUISHY STOP GETTING HIT' from tanks/healers but I like to give them something to do so they don't get bored).


Your tanks need to work on that. They shouldn't be losing aggro throughout a fight. First few seconds it can happen but once things are progressing they should never lose aggro outside of bosses switching due to mechanics or if they are way undergeared compared to you. Even then with taunting it should never happen. It's so ridiculously easy to hold aggro now.

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I thought you really dont need to be high crit due to being watchmen, when my DoTS are at 100% critical when Zen is up.

<please correct me if I am wrong here...>


Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick


It says BY 100% not TO 100%.


Which means if your crit. chance is 30% buffed, when you pop Zen your burns will have a 60% chance to crit.

100% of 30 = 30 so 30 + 30 = 60

If you had 35% crit chance buffed it would be 70%.

100% of 35 = 35 so 35 + 35 = 70

(etc, etc)

Basically it means twice your current critical percentage.


It does NOT mean your burns have a 100% chance to crit.




What i'm confused about is...


Does the +3% per stack in Juyo mastery get affected by the Zen buff.


So if I am at 35% crit chance buffed, and I have 5 stacks up (+15%) does that mean I am at 50% so when I hit Zen that doubles?


Or is it ...


35 x 2 +15 = 85%?

Edited by Lutese
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Well, you have more abilities than just your burns right.. The higher crit chance is always nice to have on your f.e Master Strike.. If you make a crit on all the 3 attacks, you will take half the hp on any war hero geared player. You have to realize that your burns isnt EVERYTHING. With my PvE gear on i have 35% crit and 78% surge, i can tell you now that i do ****loads of damage without the burns. And yes, you might get the stacks for Zen quite quickly, but you wont always have it up. I've gotten to know the Watchman/Annihilator spec as i play both a 50 marauder and a 50 sentinel.
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<please correct me if I am wrong here...>


Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick


It says BY 100% not TO 100%.


Which means if your crit. chance is 30% buffed, when you pop Zen your burns will have a 60% chance to crit.

100% of 30 = 30 so 30 + 30 = 60

If you had 35% crit chance buffed it would be 70%.

100% of 35 = 35 so 35 + 35 = 70

(etc, etc)

Basically it means twice your current critical percentage.


It does NOT mean your burns have a 100% chance to crit.




What i'm confused about is...


Does the +3% per stack in Juyo mastery get affected by the Zen buff.


So if I am at 35% crit chance buffed, and I have 5 stacks up (+15%) does that mean I am at 50% so when I hit Zen that doubles?


Or is it ...


35 x 2 +15 = 85%?


Correcting you because you are wrong. Zen gives 6 automatic critical burn tics, no matter what amount of crit chance you have outside zen. When you pop that bad boy, your usual crit chance is not taken into account.

This is based on hundreds of encounters, never once have I seen a non-crit happen on the next 6 tics of my burns after I pop zen.

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<please correct me if I am wrong here...>


Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick


It says BY 100% not TO 100%.


Despite the wording of Zen (and Immaculate Force), it does in fact give them a 100% chance to critically hit instead of just doubling the critical strike chance.

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Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick


Here's the problem with that, it isn't clear. Say I got a 60% on my first math exam.

On my next exam my score increased by 20%. Does that mean I got 60%+20%=80% or did get 60%*1.2=72%.

Same thing here they didn't clarify "Increases ... by 100%" Let's say I have 30% crit.

Does that make it 130% crit (30%+100%) or 60% crit (30%*2). This is why statisticians and financial people refer to percentage points or basis points instead of this ambiguous terminology. (If my score improved 20 percentage points then I know my score went from 60% to 80%).


From what others are saying and from what I've seen (I've never noticed it fail to crit when early level when my crit rating was low) during zen so I imagine it improves your next 6 burn critical chances by 100 percentage points. (I know that takes it over 100% but that allows you to still crit if there are some sort of negative modifiers affecting you I imagine)

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I can't remember my actual crit percentage but I think it's around 32% raid buffed. I stack power hard core and also pull off the tanks in burst phases (adrenal, plus inspiration). Best fight is the tanks on EC HM at 1580 and pulling 1380ish on Kephess, so the 35% isn't necessary.


If I had an easy way to do it I'd parse the differences with a little more crit, but for now will just stay on my power kick.

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