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I need tips on how to find a group?


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Let me start by saying the main reson i hate any mmo is because i end up soloing most of the time.

It is not that i cant find a group but i find most people either play with friends(no idea what that is) or simple dont want to group DESPITE doing the exact same quests.


Now i am polite helpfull kind and nice and still i end up soloing simply because i got alot more time then most people i meet.


So how can i make sure i can find a group to do normal quest's with without ending up soloing again?

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I guess either get on General Chat and say your looking for a group. Make sure you describe the quest your doing. Or you could just wait for someone else to try to put a group together and watch the chat and jump in if you see someone asking for help. Thats what I do.
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How about trying to find a nice guild? Then there might be people around that you could play with. Not all guilds are the same, what kind of place would you like to go to. It could be an option to always looking for new people to play with :)


Good luck and hope you don't end up solo-ing more than you would like to do.

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Let me start by saying the main reson i hate any mmo is because i end up soloing most of the time.

It is not that i cant find a group but i find most people either play with friends(no idea what that is) or simple dont want to group DESPITE doing the exact same quests.


Now i am polite helpfull kind and nice and still i end up soloing simply because i got alot more time then most people i meet.


So how can i make sure i can find a group to do normal quest's with without ending up soloing again?


I will freely admit that I have similar issues. The other day I spent ages hanging around trying to find a group to do a heroic mission with.


When I do find myself as part of a group doing a mission, once it's over everyone just disbands. If I was aksed to help somebody out and was able to help them then I would but I get a bit fed up at times of spending ages trying to find a group to do a mission.


Being the very relaxed casual player who doesn't play on a regular basis, I play when I am able to so when it could be days until I'm next on and I've just spent hours achieving nothing but standing still occasionally posting to general chat and the odd whisper to people who are nearby and can help it all just gets annoying and I just find myself soloing through my story quests.


I'm hoping to come across a guild of like minded players at some point in game but so far nothing yet.


Good luck to the both of us.

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