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Some things to get back players [And yes, one of those unsubing threads]


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Copapasta from my explanation for why I'm unsubbing, though I'll be a cynic and say BW won't take any of the suggestions:


The game was fun for my 6 month subscription, yet it isn't fun to keep playing for now


Do not assume this is because I don't like the monthly subscription model. If players, including me, really enjoy the content of a game they will pay to play. So far, the content is extremely lacking and not fun, hence why I am unsubscribing


My suggestions to actually bring back players like me:


- Frequent minor balancing patches. Classes that have been unbalanced since 1.2 are still unbalanced. This makes PVP matches won by class composition rather than role composition and strategy. Rather than the minor tweaks week by week at launch, it seems that balancing patches now only come from the 1.X patches. This is too long of a wait for most subscribers that did not pick a strong class


- Better QA. A lot of major bugs have been released recently. While a constant PTS is not required, having situations where a fix attempt to Denova's minefield boss actually breaks the boss is unacceptable. There are too many accounts of this occurring


- More world events. When raiding and PVP content is low, this is the only cheap way to liven up the game and keep people from feeling like it's a grind fest until more content is released. Events during real life holidays will keep subscribers interested and reel in any F2P people that aren't sure if they want to subscribe or not.


- Faster responses to apparent problems. Low server populations were a major reason for unsubscribers until server transfers were implemented. However, it had been almost 7 months before this happened when there were low server populations as far aback as in 1.1. Lots of subscriptions could have been saved with faster implementation of the server transfers


- Better communication. This is no time to be quiet about nearly everything. It's fine to keep storyline content under wraps, but players appreciate knowing what the goals of the devs are


And more, but there's a 2k limit. Had my fun at first. Now for something else


(inb4 see you at fall)

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