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Best Star Wars Story Line


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The movies, video games, and EU all have one thing in common, great stories. From KOTOR to A New Hope to the Legacy Era, great story telling has always been key. Though all the stories imo are great, which one was the best? Which story line just completely grabbed your imagination, made you feel for the characters, love them or hate them, wish to see one win or die, just gave you that giddy feeling that can only be described as pure happiness?


For me, the complete story line of the rise and fall of Jacen Solo gave me just that feeling. From the day he was born and on just completely grabbed me as one of my favorite experiences of my Star Wars career.


But what about you? Which story line in the Star Wars universe gave you that feeling of pure happiness? This can be ANYTHING Star Wars related, from the original movies, the prequel, any of the games, and even the knock-offs if that's what you liked best (family guy, robot chicken, etc).


Debate, discuss, enjoy

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i happen to like nearly everything about star wars, but 2 of my favorite books were


deceived- i loved the battle scenes in that book and think malgus is exactly how i expect a sith to be and act


fatal alliance- again i loved the battles scenes in that book, its like the opener of some bad joke "you got a jedi padawan, a sith apprentice and a mandalorian in a hutts house" i know alot of ppl feel this book was nothing more than a way to promote the class system in swtor, but anyway there is something about the old republic era i really like


but i do like all star wars products

Edited by grandmthethird
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Crimson Empire- Not only was it fun to see the elite Imperial Guard portrayed as such instead of as the background noobs who get tossed around by the Jedi in the movies;but it was really interesting seeing things like loyalty and honor on the Imperial side for once.


Watching Kir Kanos grow as a character and start to question his resolve and loyalty through the Crimson Empire series was also interesting to see. He started off as a loyal automaton with a tiny shred of humanity and morality left in him,to a man hell bent on revenge to someone who could experience love and began to question if his loyalty to the Empire was deserved.

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