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Two Commando Sound/Animation Observations


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Hi fellow Commandos,


having played my Commando since launch some things kept grabbing my attention over the months.


High Impact Bolt:

It sounds like a sick fart. I'd really like to see this changed. I kind of got used to it over the months, but I really had a problem using this fart-like ability and even avoided it for that reason while leveling. I'd really like to see this changed.


Flytext and Animations/Sound

I was always wondering why the dmg numbers I see popping up above the enemie's head do not match the the animation and the sound you are hearing. Take the ability Full Auto: You hear and see a lot shots going out but three numbers pop up. This makes it feel kind of disconnected from what my character is doing. What if the dmg numbers matched the animations and sounds?


What's your opinion on those two things?

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I have to sadly, agree :confused::confused:


Full auto always decieves me into thinking i killed the character based off the sounds but the guy stills has about 2 shots of life left

Edited by amahesh
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