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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion stun/mez


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The most fun I've had in ow-PvP is when I come across some stray enemy and I send my companion on them while I'm running away in the other direction. You'd be surprised how much trouble some people have with a decked out Ashara on +500 presence, seen her crit for around 4K. Edited by MidichIorian
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The most fun I've had in ow-PvP is when I come across some stray enemy and I send my companion on them while I'm running away in the other direction. You'd be surprised how much trouble some people have with a decked out Ashara on +500 presence, seen her crit for around 4K.


That's the most fun?

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I noticed this last night in the gankfest that getting the Rakata Eating Utensils became on Fatman last night. Went to go help clear it out on my Commando healer only to get mezzed for 8 seconds by Mako with an empty resolve bar. Couldn't bring myself to use my breaker with an empty resolve bar seeing as I absolutely would have been stunned again. It should definitely affect resolve or at least not be usable on players. I'm fine with either one.


Although maybe making them unusable would be be better because I would imagine companions wouldn't be to judicious in their use. Meaning you could end up with huge groups of players with all white bars thanks to companions fighting it out. Especially if by coincidence you and your/someone else's companion cast an second mezz at the same time as an instalift/whirwind. That would just about fill the resolve bar twice if they used their breaker they would be immune for quite sometime. Just something to think about.

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