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Mission Doomsday


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Ok, I guess I give up. I have used all the tricks seen here. Including spending all my credits on upgrades for T7 (I love him as a companion at this stage). I am frustrated, and I want to take along a friend to kill this guy. Do I need to reset the mission in order to bring a friend? I am in the Republic fleet, licking my numerous wounds, can my friend, a trooper, simply board my ship and head out to Drumond Kaas? Will we have to fight our way again? Any information will be appreciated.
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I would assume so, if your grouped up before you go.


I honestly had no issues with this fight man, I solo killed the Emp first time in what I thought to be a very quick fight, just ignore his adds and burn him down, I didn't even notice if he has an "insta kill" ability that has to be interrupted.


I have heard of alot of ppl having issues with this fight, Perhaps choosing the light side option and going to rescue Doc makes the Emperor stronger? ( I chose to leave Doc , I just wanted to be done with it )

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You can bring a friend in without any issues. Just group up and go. The mobs will respawn after a certain time frame though so the soon the better. A word of note, if you are bringing in another Jedi Knight both of you will need to change the preferences to share same class story. Its under the social preferences IIRC.
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Master Satele; The Emperor is dead, I repeat the Emperor is DEAD!!!

After much reading and thinking it boiled down to this;


T7 was geared appropriate with his level. In blues and a few oranges

My character was level appropriate in mission loot and a few GTN items, along with implants and earpieces that he made or got from an alt. We crashed and burned the first time. We tried to take out the clones. Bad decision. On the second attempt I went straight for the Emperor. No pretense of trying to take out the clones. T7 fought on his own. The remaining clones vanished when the Emperor went down. Great feeling. SOLO.


Good luck

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