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why so much instant gratification


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has bugged me for while but realy getting anoying that the respawn and time takes to get back to the fight is just insane.


example trying to cap a gun turret at grass today killed the 1 defender start to cap the gun. almost finished and guess who shows up the defender i just killed was able to die and ride the dam speeder back to the control point before i could even cap it. kill him again and guess what he was still able to get back before could cap it second time finaly just gave up.


need to take some of the instant gratifacation out of the pvp everyone loves to fight but being able to be at any cap point on any map in under 10 seconds is insane hell half the wz have respawn right on top the objective like voidstar die drop down shoot die drop down shoot

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Sounds like you need to learn how to cap a node.




1. Mezzes last for 8 seconds, capping takes 8 seconds... coincidence?


2. The node itself blocks line of sight. If they can't see you, then they can't interrupt you.


3. The speeder drops them off pretty close, but not close enough for them to be able to interrupt you immediately upon landing. If someone were to stun, mezz, or slow them there while you cap the node...

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Sounds like you need to learn how to cap a node.




1. Mezzes last for 8 seconds, capping takes 8 seconds... coincidence?


2. The node itself blocks line of sight. If they can't see you, then they can't interrupt you.


3. The speeder drops them off pretty close, but not close enough for them to be able to interrupt you immediately upon landing. If someone were to stun, mezz, or slow them there while you cap the node...


Pretty much this. If you kill a lone defender and you do not know how to cap as in not capping on the side the speeder takes you then yes you will not get it. Only a balance/madness specced sin/sorc will be able to stop the cap with FiB/DF as I can do this but for the most part you should have no issue capping the node if you LoS and start capping as soon as they die.

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I prefer to cap the node before I kill them. Toy around with them a little bit and make sure they use their cc breaker. If they do use it, mez and cap. There's nothing they can do about it. That's why you don't leave one person to defend a node. If you do, make sure that person stands far enough away from the node to keep this from happening.i
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