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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Time to remove PvP gear grind.


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The world is going forward. Vertical PvP progression is outdated and not fun anymore. Look at LoL and GW2. The only thing that should matter in PvP is skill.


Either remove the grind please or lower the cost of WH gear significantly and introduce fully optimized sets for all specs. Eg. I have to buy additional 2 or 3 WH Vindicator's items for my Jugg on top of all set items if I want to play Rage. And how about if i want to try out other classes? The entry barrier makes it impossible. 1-49 PvP is only that much fun and eventually stops.


Getting millions of commendations for all the right mods and enhancements with correct stats effectively blocks many players like me out of PvP. I dream of PvP in which only skill matters and gear is irrelevant.

Edited by vandana_
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You dream of PvP in a game with no monthly subscription. Gear grinding is like any other form of addiction. It keeps the addict wanting that next tier and therefore paying the dealer/developer for each hit.


Then make it so only a guy paying for the current content has access to the new tiers. But eliminate (or decrease) the grind within the tier. Either that or make getting the best gear skill dependent (Personal Rating). Grind for the sake of it is a product of the past and limits your audience who would rather unsub than pay for a game they have no time to play (and it's a shame cause I love pvp in this game).


SWTOR took the model from WoW because it was safe. The bold move would be to open access to pvp within a tier to everyone, not the guys with most time to play.

Edited by vandana_
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I agree with the gear grind problem. If you want to make us do it can you at least give all levels of gear the same amount of Expertise. With the lower levels having less Expertise AND lower stats the damage difference is just multiplied. If everyone from Recruite to War hero had the same amount of Expertise then the War Heros would only have better stats but it would still give the Recruite Gear guys allot better chance. Plus It would make the gear grind a little less noticeable.
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