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Pvp query


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pvp ? Is it pretty much medal based ? more medals is name of the game ?


if ya cant guard and ya cant heal will you always be behind the 8 Ball ?


this is my first mmo so first pvping and my thoughts are:


it seems to be more foucsed on individual honours rather than team ? no real incentive to win before medals ?


I was in a match and before half time (well before), the team decided to sit on 1 node and defend for defender medals because we were outnumbered 8 v 6


why not challenge ya self and go hard for the win, your 2 best players maybe expected to take 2 people each kind of thing


I would rather win than have medals but if medals are a high priority I understand why people do this


but to sit there and wait to lose ......... sorry but that just doesnt sit right


Does anyone have thoughts on advanced classes that cannot guard or heal hence they will always be disadvantaged in the medal hunt


Appreciate your time in looking

All the best

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This is just my understanding and opinion... so with disclaimer in place:


Yes, medals is it. Your XP, comm & credit rewards at the end are based on how many medals you get. Winning can add a few medals depending on how fast you do it. However, it's capped at 8 medals worth of rewards (pretty sure). So if you go over 8 medals, that's only worth a pat on your virtual back.


As far as not healing or guarding... I'm no expert. I have a DPS and a heal. I get about the same medals with each. I think the methods to get medals allows for the 8 pretty easily no matter how you go about it. For me the number of medals depends more on how close I am to lvl 50 (in sub 50 WZ), or how far into the War Hero Gear grind I am in lvl 50 WZ. So for sub-50 its the number of tools you've accumulated (your class abilities), and for 50 it's expertise. Oh, and skill, that helps too. :)


I mostly PUG, and for pugs, yes, there are plenty of people who seem focused on their own rewards and screw everyone else. But there are also team players (they are out there, really!). And, as I read somewhere else on these forums a while ago... until you pay their subscription, you don't really have a say. :)


I used to dislike the idea of quitting also, but if the other team is rolling you over with everything you try, well, it's not fun to spawn-die in 3 seconds- spawn-die in 3 seconds-etc. Now I just go with the flow. If we can at least be effective in fighting, I'll go down that way even if we really have no chance to win. Like, if it's CW, and we need to cap and hold 3 - there's no way we are really going to do that. But I'll keep going for that second one for a "moral victory" if it looks like we at least have a chance at it - if the rest of the team is doing the same. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they park at the one node we have to get a few defender medals once we need three. I'm fine with that too - gives me time to go do the dishes while my toon is just sitting there. :)


I dislike much more, the people that quit in the middle because they decide the rest of the team is "bads". I never quit. Well, once I did. I was on the winning team in HB. We were just CRUSHing the other side. I mean, we were up 5 to zip in about 4 minutes. Then the rest of my team started just passing the ball around in the middle. The other side was screaming for us to just end it, and they would not. THAT go to my sense of "fair play". It was just cruel. So I quit a winning WZ.

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Fun is the name of the game - but warzone commissions are definitely nice.


You get five warzone commissions for each medal, up to a maximum of eight medals (you can earn more than eight medals in a warzone but the rest don't earn comms). Warzone commissions are what is valuable, as they buy gear. Extra medals are ego food.


You get medals for defending an objective (even being near it); attacking an objective; big hits (2.5k, 5k,...); solo kills; damage totals (75k, 300k,...); healing; protection and winning a warzone quickly. You can get medals in a bajillion ways so don't worry about being harshly mistreated on ways to earn them.


Also, each MVP vote is worth a single warzone commission.


However, you also get a load of bonus warzone commissions for winning (100? someone can say) - so more than for medals. It always makes sense to play for the win rather than medals, so long as the win is possible.


In one current warzone, there comes a point when it becomes almost certain one side will win: Civil War, once one side's ship has more than twice the remaining health of the other's. This is because the side that's been doing less well now needs to cap all three turrets to turn the game around (two turrets wear down the health of the opposing ship twice as fast as one, therefore you need to hold more than 2-to-1 turrets (i.e. 3) to win). I have no problem with teammembers who've been getting spanked retreating to our sole node and getting their defender medals at this point, if there's no realistic hope of capping and holding all three nodes - it's just the way the warzone is set up.


This doesn't apply in huttball or voidstar, or even the superficially similar Novare Coast, where you can always come back no matter the gap. Not that this means you're likely to, if you've been getting your behind handed you the whole game so far. But only snivelling little lily-hearted cravens who complain at being called that actually drop out, of course.


By quitting out you also lose all commissions earned for the match and have to wait for another one.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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If you are down 8v6 you need to sit and farm defender medals in order to get any rewards. If you attempt to face the enemy you will die before you get a chance to do anything and will therefore be unable to get ANY medals.


If you are down 8v7, you are still able to use strategy to win, but most PuGs don't know what that is, and will usually ignore any attempts to organize, so they will just march one at a time into the meat grinder. If your team is doing this, it is time to farm defender medals.


If your ship has less than 200 HP left and the other team's ship has at least twice as much, then the only way you can win is by three capping, which your current situation suggests is an impossible feat for your team. That means it is time to farm defender medals.


Also note that if you fail to get at least 1 medal, you will get NO REWARDS. None. At all.


Essentially, defender medal farming is what you do when your team has shown itself to be incapable of winning the match. It is better to get something than nothing, so you farm defender medals.

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Does anyone have thoughts on advanced classes that cannot guard or heal hence they will always be disadvantaged in the medal hunt


Not necessarily true, a lot of people that spec into DPS trees never even bother to use their secondary abilities (healing/protection) in PVP. But some AC abilities have these secondary abilities built in (force in balance/death field will boost healing numbers) which makes it look like they do


You can usually tell this by looking at protection numbers, since no abilities have a passive protection buff a lot more people running Jugg/Assassin etc have very low protection numbers since a lot of DPS players overlook these abilities entirely


As for AC that can't use any of these abilities, i have been running my Sniper a lot lately and have absolutely no problem getting 10+ medals each match because of the amount of damage that it can put out, the same goes for my Marauder. Since these 2 classes are pure DPS they tend to put out more damage and get DPS medals fairly easily.


They also have the advantage of being able to either stay alive for a good period (mara) or being so out of the way that people overlook them entirely (sniper) that they are able to put out these good numbers and compete on a medal front with off tank/heals

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If you are down 8v6 you need to sit and farm defender medals in order to get any rewards. If you attempt to face the enemy you will die before you get a chance to do anything and will therefore be unable to get ANY medals.


If you are down 8v7, you are still able to use strategy to win, but most PuGs don't know what that is, and will usually ignore any attempts to organize, so they will just march one at a time into the meat grinder. If your team is doing this, it is time to farm defender medals.


If your ship has less than 200 HP left and the other team's ship has at least twice as much, then the only way you can win is by three capping, which your current situation suggests is an impossible feat for your team. That means it is time to farm defender medals.


Also note that if you fail to get at least 1 medal, you will get NO REWARDS. None. At all.


Essentially, defender medal farming is what you do when your team has shown itself to be incapable of winning the match. It is better to get something than nothing, so you farm defender medals.




Unfortunately, your team can be so disorganized and fail to listen to making a group effort with everyone running on their own, one by one, that I have been on teams where you can't even get a single node. If thats the case; you are screwed no matter what the purpose of the game is.

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I dislike much more, the people that quit in the middle because they decide the rest of the team is "bads". I never quit. Well, once I did. I was on the winning team in HB. We were just CRUSHing the other side. I mean, we were up 5 to zip in about 4 minutes. Then the rest of my team started just passing the ball around in the middle. The other side was screaming for us to just end it, and they would not. THAT go to my sense of "fair play". It was just cruel. So I quit a winning WZ.


Banderal - Thanks mate - appreciate you taking the time - helpful and interesting


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Not necessarily true, a lot of people that spec into DPS trees never even bother to use their secondary abilities (healing/protection) in PVP. But some AC abilities have these secondary abilities built in (force in balance/death field will boost healing numbers) which makes it look like they do


You can usually tell this by looking at protection numbers, since no abilities have a passive protection buff a lot more people running Jugg/Assassin etc have very low protection numbers since a lot of DPS players overlook these abilities entirely


As for AC that can't use any of these abilities, i have been running my Sniper a lot lately and have absolutely no problem getting 10+ medals each match because of the amount of damage that it can put out, the same goes for my Marauder. Since these 2 classes are pure DPS they tend to put out more damage and get DPS medals fairly easily.


They also have the advantage of being able to either stay alive for a good period (mara) or being so out of the way that people overlook them entirely (sniper) that they are able to put out these good numbers and compete on a medal front with off tank/heals


That puts my mind at ease - especially the example of your Sniper, I shall DPS my way to Tor Heaven :p

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every decent player in the game can get upwards of 8+ medals just by playing the objectives and having fun.


The exception is when you are on the really under geared side of a bad pug team, even then 4 medals are easily achievable.

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every decent player in the game can get upwards of 8+ medals just by playing the objectives and having fun.


The exception is when you are on the really under geared side of a bad pug team, even then 4 medals are easily achievable.


cheers mate

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there is never a time to throw a tea party at your only turret. People who do this are way worst then people who rage quit. Atleast when the guy rage quits we might actually get a better teammate. I despise all these in game quitters. I mean seriously I've seen 4 people huddle left turret when we are still winning but other team just took 2nd turret from us. If you can't get 3 medals (they might have changed it to 1) in any warzone then you probably shouldn't be doing pvp.
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there is never a time to throw a tea party at your only turret. People who do this are way worst then people who rage quit. Atleast when the guy rage quits we might actually get a better teammate. I despise all these in game quitters. I mean seriously I've seen 4 people huddle left turret when we are still winning but other team just took 2nd turret from us. If you can't get 3 medals (they might have changed it to 1) in any warzone then you probably shouldn't be doing pvp.


Well, that's something you'll have to take up with Bioware, cuz that will never change due to poor game design.

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except for the classes that can taunt no other dps class has any advantage in getting medals. Yes any of the classes with access to heals might have the skills there, and could use them, but they take up so many resources and time to cast that they're just not worth it if not talented in the healing tree, their dps would be a much better contribution to changing the tide of the fight than them trying to heal.



And yes people will farm medals, because they are trying to gear up. While your feelings of charge in and rawr are admirable, you will often end up getting no medals. (actually had a no medal 10 minute novare coast, cause I kept attacking the enemy nodes with 2 other people while 5 people on our team were just farming medals). Indeed me and those 2 other people got absolutely nothing from the wz, no creds, experience, valor, or commendations.


When you're simply outmatched it's better to try to get as many medals as possible so you can progress, instead of throwing yourself against an unshakable wall.

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