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Fez Burba


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I love the attention to detail BioWare puts in the game.


On Coruscant Fez Burba was an NPC that thought he was hitting the jackpot on some scientific discovery, and when you find out that he was wrong, you later see him on Tatooine because he was fired!



I find that pretty funny. Any other instances where you see this?

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I vaguely remeber using a "Burba Seismic reader" or some such- the same thing he gives you on Corusant! on my Inquisitor :D. Glad I'm not the only one who notices stuff like that.


You mean Consular? I don't think Coruscant has an empire place.

Anyway, yeah he's got another mission on Tatooine for the Republic side.

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I want more Burba.


Also, how does a scientist get fired for having an incorrect theory? Never understood that.


Given his general attitude and waay he reacts to things....I don't think it was an incorrect theory that got him fired. I think he tends to come upwith wild ideas, spend all of his time and resources looking into the wild idea, and then turns up with nothing. Basically I really doubt that the seismic theory was the first time he has done this.


Alternatively, he never reports the results if you turn in actual data so it looks like he just did nothing for several weeks/months while wasting his funding.

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