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Why wont Vette talk to me?


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I am lvl 35 Sith Warrior and I got Vette to max: 10,000/10,000 affection. But she hasnt talked to me since 7500/10,000 Affection..?



Do I have to reach a certain lvl or something? Or am I glitched?

Edited by BrandonSM
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Mako glitched on me til late lvl 30-something, then i had something like 10 convos in a row with her.


Thats what happened when I hit Legacy. None of my comps were talking to me for a long time and then as soon as I finished Chapter 1 I got 10 convos in a row with Malavai and Vette.


I think Convos happen when you hit certain levels or parts in your Class Story and Affection

Edited by BrandonSM
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YOu probably won't get anymore convos until after you finish Chapter 2. It's not a glitch - their convos are limited by your progression in the game. And if you have any undone quests from Vette, she won't talk to you until you've finished it - but again, you have to finish Chapter 2.


With Mako, I know her final quest is a level 48 quest, where you fight a level 48 mob, so it's likely you won't be finishing her until you are close to 50.


Torian, I finished as soon as Chapter 2 finished, though, since only the first companion has quests you have to go on.

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YOu probably won't get anymore convos until after you finish Chapter 2. It's not a glitch - their convos are limited by your progression in the game.


This is the main reason, even though it doesn't make too much sense to me.

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