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This is how good the story is...


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My wife has zero interest in video games. None, nada. She even fumbles Wii.


She'll watch Star Wars or Lord of the Rings and other geeky things, but she just doesn't play at all.


She was straightening up as I was playing SW:TOR this weekend and sat and started watching along with one of the dialog scenes. After a bit she was making suggestions as to where to go and basically cheer-leading me through fights.


Next thing you know over and hour went by and she had spent the whole time engaged as if she was watching a movie, saying "I never really understood what you guys got out of this before." and just generally marveling at how much detail was in the world.


She still has no interest in playing. But the story and world detail in this game is so well done that it can take someone with zero interest, enthrall them, and get them interested and engaged.


That's worth a tip of the hat to.

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Wag of my finger to BioWare for not making his wife wanna play!

Cooooooolbert repor(t)


Agreed, very good game. Now all you do is use the Force to make her wanna play?

My girlfriend also doesn't play especially mmorpgs, she is playing SwTor with me atm :)

Along with a copel of friends, it's a blast.

Edited by Tiriensoul
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My wife used to play some some wow. Essentially she would level my toons while I was at work. Thats about as much as she plays. BUT, when i play story driven games she will stand by me and watch completely mesmerized as if watching a movie.
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My wife has zero interest in video games.


But the story and world detail in this game is so well done that it can take someone with zero interest, enthrall them, and get them interested and engaged.


That's worth a tip of the hat to.


My wife HATES video games, but she sat and watched me play for 30 minutes the other night like she was watching a movie.

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About Abfalter



Programmer, Designer Boardgamer, Author, Fencer.


East coast of Florida


Writing, Board Games, Fencing


Software Engineer



**** back to work and stop talking crap, the game needs so many things to be done its just unbealivable is getting launched like this


Well, that was out of left field.


I found the game to be excellent, personally.

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My wife rages at me if I play with her around for more than an hour. I have tried to get her to watch but no luck. Any suggestions to get a stubborn woman to give in to the dark side?


My take on it is that video games are what I do when I don't have other things to do. Once of those other things is paying attention to my wife, spending time with her, and generally being a good companion.


Since her needs are fulfilled she doesn't begrudge me a few hours here and there to "go kill some aliens".


So make sure you spend enough time with her. A relationship needs a time investment to work, and the payoff is excellent.


That said, she needs to respect that you need to have some space and time to yourself. Tell her "I want to be able to spend some time on this game. It's fun, it's my hobby, and sometimes I want to relax playing it. You are more than welcome to come along if you wish, but if you don't that is OK, too."


A reasonable woman will understand that. An unreasonable one will not.


Just make sure that you ALSO spend time with her doing her things.

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My wife rages at me if I play with her around for more than an hour. I have tried to get her to watch but no luck. Any suggestions to get a stubborn woman to give in to the dark side?


Here is how it works for me and my wife.


After work M-F we both eat dinner and she watches her shows and plays the DS. I play on my Pc and we go to bed around the same time.


On the weekends when we are both off is when we spend time doing couple type things.

We watch moves or go out to eat.


She has Tv shows and her ds, and I understand that. Sometimes she is on her laptop.

I have my PC and the games, she understands that. We share the house work, but because she works 9-4 and I work 8-5 she does most of the cooking.


We both respect that we each have hobbies, we still spend time with each other.

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My wife doesn't play mmo's , but as she's playing her Sims 3 on her computer, she'll listen from across the room as I play a Bioware game (Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series) and she's enthralled by the storylines in those games.


TOR is a little bit harder for her to follow, as having guildmates chatter in Vent makes me usually keep my headphones on, but there have been many times that I'll mute Vent and she'll follow a cutscene with me.


I find myself muting Vent more and more during regular missions, as nothing is more frustrating than to have someone cracking jokes in Vent when some great dialogue is playing out onscreen, but that's entirely another matter. I'll probably end up ditching Vent entirely unless running heroics or flashpoints.

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I've found this.


My wife tends to watch catch-up TV or surf forums on her laptop sitting next to me while I play (big desk).


She often leans in to have a look at whats going on, or to encourage me to choose dark side options in convos! (Evil woman!)

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