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" in MY headcannon"


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In my headcannon, my exile never chased after Reven, becuse "Reven's a big boy and can take care of himself". After defeating Kreia, she resevers her connection to the force and essentialy tells Kreia " I'm doing for the second time what you never had the balls to do", she thengoes to live on a quiet planet with the love of her life Bao-Dur =D
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in my headcanon, each comp gets their own room. except skadge. he has to sleep on the floor. oddly he doesn't mind.


In my headcanon, my agent totally jacked karagga's little spider mech for her own mount, and parks on the mailbox nonstop with it.

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In my headcanon, Imperial Intelligence has "Shadow" Agents, which are basically space ninjas. :D


i tell people im not a sw fan, but when i started tor, i never realised that i had the need to fulfil the fantasy of being a sexy space ninja smurfette.

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My Trooper


Joins Havoc Squad in defecting to the Empire and pretty much kills all her companions off and gets cooler characters like Wraith to join her. Though she would reprogram M14X as an Imperial patriot instead.





kills Gault at the end of Tatooine, lets Mako get killed in Nar Shadaa while she pines away for her friend, lets Blizz get tortured and killed by the Chiss in Hoth, and invites cooler characters like Juda, Crysta, the Mistress of Pain, Thana Vesh, and Jewla Nightbringer to join his crew instead.



My JK never lets Doc on the ship and is able to romance Rusk.


Vette joins my BH, Khem Val and Xalek join my SW. Zash remains as she did in beginning and joins my SI.

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In MY headcannon all of my characters are the 'cannon characters' in the SWTOR lore and everyone else just has the right to create their inferior versions.


And in MY headcannon BioWare has contacted me telling me they have been observing my progress and told me that the look and choices of my characters are the best they've ever seen and told me that they will use them as the cannons for each class going forward.


AND In MY headcannon they are so impressed they bring me on the Dev team for guidance and they let me voice act for the male Imperial Agent from now on (not that the original actor did a bad job, just think it would be awesome..)

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i tell people im not a sw fan, but when i started tor, i never realised that i had the need to fulfil the fantasy of being a sexy space ninja smurfette.


And I'm betting you never thought you'd like Bugboy- I mean... Vector, so much. :p


In my headcanon, Pyrotech Bounty Hunters laugh maniacally while setting everything on fire.:rak_03:

Edited by Ardim
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  • 3 weeks later...
In my headcanon, Skadge "accidentaly" tripped and fell down a meat grinder, wich exploded, into a sun.


And the blacklist ****edu p the jedi/SIS strike team and went on a drunken rampage with lots of defenestrating.


skadge fell into the barrel of, and subiquently got fired out of my headcanon into a star

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