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Can we get a Crew Skills app for Android/iPhone?


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I played Fallen Earth for a time and they had something like this. You could control certain aspects of the game from your phone. You could view mail, buy and sell on the auction house, and more, if I'm remembering correctly. Galactic Market would be a nice feature as well, but what would be really nice to have is the ability to conduct Crew Skill missions while we're not logged into the game.


Would this be possible/sensible? Is it already planned? Other thoughts?

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Here are my thoughts on this:


I would LOVE it!


I would use it all the time! I would expect it to work even when I am playing a different character!


I would hate myself for it when at work, or spending time away from my gaming computer with family/friends!


I would be willing to pay extra for it (but not more than a couple of bucks)!


I would LOVE it!!!



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