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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs/Mods please let us know if the secret space project is still in development


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Bottom line...be hopeful, but PLEASE keep your expectations low.


reminded me of that great Saturday night live skit, " lowered expectations" the dating service videos for hopeless people, i lol'd


more rails cannot excite me in ways that full control 3D multiplayer dogfights can

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


Why are the devs so secretive? It's fine to tell us about something that may get the axe. You wouldn't be the first company to do so (See the Dance Studio in Wrath of the Lich King)

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Why are the devs so secretive? It's fine to tell us about something that may get the axe. You wouldn't be the first company to do so (See the Dance Studio in Wrath of the Lich King)


The devs live in caves, only emerging for caffeine and conference calls. To disturb them is to beg for death.


Or they have an ignore function and just tune out all questions.

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Honestly at this point the lack of communication regarding the project just means (to me anyways) that nothing is being done with it.


If they had ANYTHING exciting to announce they would have announced it already, instead of just watching their sub base bleed out. If they had it they would tell us.


What would be the benefit to keeping this a secret? Wait another six months to tell your fanbase and I'm sure both of them will be very excited.

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The devs live in caves, only emerging for caffeine and conference calls. To disturb them is to beg for death.


Or they have an ignore function and just tune out all questions.


When I was a dev they wouldn't let us out of our caves. They just thru Pizza and Mt. Dew down a shoot and told us to code faster. :D

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


Who is the WE you speak of? How can they not have any new information at all when they have been working on it for over 6-9 months?


Have they made any progress at all on it? or is it at the same stage as it was in April?


I am sorry but saying there is nothing new that you can give us on it when its been months and nothing at all has been said about it is wrong.


Are they still on pace with their development schedule of it?

What is that schedule? Do they hope its ready this month?this year? this decade?this lifetime?

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The devs live in caves, only emerging for caffeine and conference calls. To disturb them is to beg for death.


Or they have an ignore function and just tune out all questions.


Real devs dont do conference calls. If the project managers want to talk with them, they need to enter the cave.

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Thanks for responding but, you didn't answer his question. This is a non-answer answer in regards to the question asked (in the title of this thread). Your response can be taken multiple ways:


1) No, the "secret space project" that was rumoured in the past was tabled and we went back to the drawing board.


2) Yes, all is fine in regards to the "secret space project" not to worry, just don't have any updates.


3) Meh, we're not sure either way but this was the answer I was told to give.


I would be nice if you could clearify what you mean.


If they say they have no new news or info, what do you want them to say?


What they said was pretty clear. If the person doesn't know, then they don't know!!

Edited by MrLeee
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If they say they have no new news of info what do you want them to say?


What they said was pretty clear. If the person doesn't know, then they don't know!!


If they were clear and it was positive they would have stated my option number two. The way the response was worded was not clear. It leaves people to wonder and create and continue to post in threads such as these. It also fosters more rabble from the "doom and gloom" and "tin foil hat" camps to stir up trouble.

Edited by Urael
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Thanks for responding but, you didn't answer his question. This is a non-answer answer in regards to the question asked (in the title of this thread). Your response can be taken multiple ways:


1) No, the "secret space project" that was rumoured in the past was tabled and we went back to the drawing board.


2) Yes, all is fine in regards to the "secret space project" not to worry, just don't have any updates.


3) Meh, we're not sure either way but this was the answer I was told to give.


I would be nice if you could clearify what you mean.


There is no secret space project. That is the actual answer.

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Or maybe, just maybe, have the possibly, just possibly gotten fed up with people begging for operations a decided they're going to do those first.


Or maybe, just maybe they have multiple development teams (as they have stated on numerous occasions) and can work on more than one thing at a time. :rolleyes:

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Or maybe, just maybe, have the possibly, just possibly gotten fed up with people begging for operations a decided they're going to do those first.


IF that was the case then wouldnt the new information be


We have put a hold on this so that we could push out new operations faster for you?

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IF that was the case then wouldnt the new information be


We have put a hold on this so that we could push out new operations faster for you?


I said they stated they had mulitble dev teams and the ablility to do more than one thing at time. I never stated that they were. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for responding but, you didn't answer his question. This is a non-answer answer in regards to the question asked (in the title of this thread). Your response can be taken multiple ways:


1) No, the "secret space project" that was rumoured in the past was tabled and we went back to the drawing board.


2) Yes, all is fine in regards to the "secret space project" not to worry, just don't have any updates.


3) Meh, we're not sure either way but this was the answer I was told to give.


I would be nice if you could clearify what you mean.


I am going to take it to mean that they don't have any idea. Them and the devs really need to start communicating so that they can communicate with us.

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Hey. Guys.




Has it occurred to any of you that maybe...just maybe... perhaps...possibly...


....they're not working on it at all?


Are you suggesting that the Secret Space Project is just another broken promise on their part? :eek: I am shocked.

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Who is the WE you speak of? How can they not have any new information at all when they have been working on it for over 6-9 months?


Have they made any progress at all on it? or is it at the same stage as it was in April?


I am sorry but saying there is nothing new that you can give us on it when its been months and nothing at all has been said about it is wrong.


Are they still on pace with their development schedule of it?

What is that schedule? Do they hope its ready this month?this year? this decade?this lifetime?


Either they dont know the situation of the project, or someone hasnt allowed them to tell the situation of the project to the public. That might be because its not ready enough so they cannot give any promises since they dont know what features it will have. Or it is good but some marketing department wants to control when and how to release the info. You know, the marketers need to do that kind of stuff so they can feel like they are doing something.


Ofcourse the worst situation would be that they are not working with it atm, since someone has decided that their coders are needed elsewhere at the moment. And they dont want to tell that kind of thing just at the moment.

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