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Grouping and Flashpoints

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Hi, first of all, I've been kind of playing around with the game since I got it last Wednesday, and I had to deal with a slow internet connection, so I was constantly refusing to group or enter flashpoint modes because I could drop out of game at a moment's notice, thus causing problems for others. Most of my characters that had this issue, which I eventually deleted since I want to just do one character at a time, had names like Vigilo, Arturius, Andras, stuff like that. Mostly latin-based names or names based in other ancient languages, since that was the only ones that would work. Can't seem to put a space between the names at all.

Sorry for the ramble. Anyways, since I've fixed my internet issue (I was still on a DSL line and getting less than 10 percent of my internet capacity, now with fiber optic line I'm working at full 12 MB) I'm really interested in experiencing SWTOR in its full capacity, starting with my newest character, a Sith Warrior named Malignum (I was going to do Malignus, but apparently its taken). I've never played an MMO before, though, having stuck to single-player console games. Do you just wait for a cue to form, or work with members of a guild, or what?

Sometimes I'm on for a long time, and sometimes only a short while. My SIth Warrior is right now trying to deal with the Beast of Marka Ragnos; that thing's a pain!

ANyways, I will say the flashpoint that interests me the most besides Black Talon/Esseles is the ones with Revan and the Exile. I know I'm a long way off from doing the ones with Revan involved, but I might be up to doing the other Flashpoints. Guess I'll see how things go.

Anyways, sorry if this seems a bit rambling. I've been debating whether or not to post this for a few days and, well, I'm a bit nervous (because as I said, never done an MMO before). So, anyways, any info and advice you can give me would be great.

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Two pieces of advice:

1) Join a guild that has people who are leveling around your same pace and group with them as much as possible.

2) Use the Group Finder feature (upper left hand corner of your mini-map)


Don't be afraid to jump right in and get wet.

Edited by Cashcrop
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Two pieces of advice:

1) Join a guild that has people who are leveling around your same pace and group with them as much as possible.

2) Use the Group Finder feature (upper left hand corner of your mini-map)


Don't be afraid to jump right in and get wet.


Honestly, it is probably better to find a guild with mostly 50's so they can help you out with playing the class so you can jump into hardmodes and operations very quickly once you hit 50.

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