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Lifetime subscription with exclusive Rodian playable species: $200 would you pay?


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Not sure how anything you have written would negate anything I had... but I don't mind. I doubt it would be a good idea to offer that even for a short time, because it would be mostly be bought by people who might spend more money in the long run without a lifetime sub.


You presented it with a very negative spin.


I presented a very practical (from a business standpoint, and customer good will standpoint) positive spin to the same topic.


I disagree with your negative and perjoraive views about the topic in the context of Bioware and SWTOR.

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No....Lifetime Subs is what turned LOTRO into the grind fest it is...


Once they introduced F2P they had to get the LTers paying on the store somehow, hense the grind....So...


No Thank you


Im a lifer I have never spent money in the store except for relic removal scrolls. I have like 18,000 points just from the 500 a month they give and the bonuses they gave when f2p launched.

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errr.... 1) this only holds true if every single player buys a lifetime sub, my guess it will only be a small minority, while the rest of the players will still be paying subscription or paying À la carte, so yeah, 2) the devs will still have to keep releasing content if they want to stay in the business


1) I want *my* sub fee to mean something, thus the reason *I* would never buy a lifetime sub. Also, I regret that I paid for this abortion for 6 months. I can't imagine how pissed off I'd be had I paid for a lifetime sub.


2) I wonder if EA will figure that one out in time... :rolleyes:

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1) If I pay for a lifetime sub and the game doesn't keep me enthralled for long enough to be a financial benefit, I'm screwed.


2) If I pay for a lifetime sub and the game goes F2P before it was a financial benefit, I'm screwed.


3) If I pay for a lifetime sub and the game is awesome, I win.


4) If I don't pay for a lifetime sub and the game sucks, I save a lot of money.


5) If I don't pay for a lifetime sub and the game goes F2P, I save a lot of money.


6) If I don't pay for a lifetime sub and the game is awesome, I probably won't have a problem paying more than I would have, had I chosen the lifetime sub.


The lifetime sub has 1 win. Non-lifetime sub has 4 wins and 1 neutral.


No lifetime sub is ez no brainer.

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Buying a LTS sub to a game that is going F2P in record time would be unwise.


I don't know how long EA's lease of this IP is, but I'd bet it will not be renewed.


Depends on how much revenue it generates for Lucas Arts and whether or not they believe that giving the license to another MMO would significantly increase it. The license will probably be renewed to at a minimum cover development time for said 3rd MMO, which won't start development for probably another year or two, so SWTOR will probably have the license until it dies or at least until 2019, whichever comes first.

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And just like lotro, swtor f2p model will be pay to win.


I just told you I havent spent any points. I think when you make a cash shop you have to put things on there people would want to buy. If not then what is the point of the store? So most likely by your definition swtor will be pay to win. You have to provide people with things they want to buy over and over if you plan on making money.

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Buying a LTS sub to a game that is going F2P in record time would be unwise.


I don't know how long EA's lease of this IP is, but I'd bet it will not be renewed.


What makes you think Lucasarts couldnt take Bioware's money AND let another MMO also do the same IP?

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Because there is no way EA would have paid to license the IP if they weren't the sole MMO licensor. Their lawyers are smart.


You have no idea that is true. In fact before sony pulled the plug the president of lucasarts said he saw no reason they couldnt exist side by side. Meaning sony could have kept swg going while bioware ran swtor. Its not even the same timeframe.

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Depends on how much revenue it generates for Lucas Arts and whether or not they believe that giving the license to another MMO would significantly increase it. The license will probably be renewed to at a minimum cover development time for said 3rd MMO, which won't start development for probably another year or two, so SWTOR will probably have the license until it dies or at least until 2019, whichever comes first.


I don't trust EA to devote the resources to this game outside of developing cash shop garbage. Both parties would have to agree to renew the license. Maybe LA would since it's free money, but looking how fast EA is cutting bait with this game, I doubt they would want to renew it.


I have my doubts there will be another SW MMO. SW is barely relevent anymore. Lucas seems fixated on this Clone Wars crap, and there's already a F2P browser MMO in that era. I have zero interest in any SW game that takes place in the CW era. Only SW MMO I'd be interested in after this would be post Episode VI, and only if they retconned out 95% of the lame fan fiction ****.


What makes you think Lucasarts couldnt take Bioware's money AND let another MMO also do the same IP?


Why would EA agree to this?

Edited by HarleysRule
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I don't trust EA to devote the resources to this game outside of developing cash shop garbage. Both parties would have to agree to renew the license. Maybe LA would since it's free money, but looking how fast EA is cutting bait with this game, I doubt they would want to renew it.


I have my doubts there will be another SW MMO. SW is barely relevent anymore. Lucas seems fixated on this Clone Wars crap, and there's already a F2P browser MMO in that era. I have zero interest in any SW game that takes place in the CW era. Only SW MMO I'd be interested in after this would be post Episode VI, and only if they retconned out 95% of the lame fan fiction ****.


If what you say is true, that can only mean EA shuts this thing down when their license expires. There's no way they can take the SW IP out.

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Is someone holding a gun to EA's collective heads making them agree to it? :confused:


Well they can say. Do you want to make money EA or should we give the star wars IP to Turbine instead. Or some other company. Lucasarts dictates the terms of the agreement. They want their IP to look good. So EA had a choice yes. They could have turned down the biggest IP in sci-fi or accepted LA terms. They went with the latter.

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Well they can say. Do you want to make money EA or should we give the star wars IP to Turbine instead. Or some other company. Lucasarts dictates the terms of the agreement. They want their IP to look good. So EA had a choice yes. They could have turned down the biggest IP in sci-fi or accepted LA terms. They went with the latter.


Maybe back in 2000 or whenever SOE signed their deal with LA, the SW IP had that weight. Now that the prequels are a laughingstock, and the only good SW games in the last 10 years were KotORs, I doubt the IP has that much pull now. Even when EA got their lease to make TOR, the SW brand was already tarnsihed. EA already considers this game a failure, so I doubt they're going to be dictated to on terms for the renewal, especially if it is known LA is looking to make *another* SW MMO.

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