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Insight skill


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Opportune Strike, Pommel Strike, Force Sweep, Force Stasis and Blade Rush all say Force when you look at abilities under Jedi Knight (P button). However Opportune, Pommel and Blade Rush's tool tips all state kinetic damage. While the Opportune and Pommel aren't useful in most raid settings, I do like slamming a mob in the skull for 5900 pommel strike crits out in the regular world. So my question is are these abilities affected by Insight, or is this another example of screwed up tool tips? I did drop the 3 I have in Insight once and noticed a drought of crits on the opportune and pommels, but maybe I was being paranoid. Thanks.
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Opportune Strike, Pommel Strike, Force Sweep, Force Stasis and Blade Rush all say Force when you look at abilities under Jedi Knight (P button). However Opportune, Pommel and Blade Rush's tool tips all state kinetic damage. While the Opportune and Pommel aren't useful in most raid settings, I do like slamming a mob in the skull for 5900 pommel strike crits out in the regular world. So my question is are these abilities affected by Insight, or is this another example of screwed up tool tips? I did drop the 3 I have in Insight once and noticed a drought of crits on the opportune and pommels, but maybe I was being paranoid. Thanks.


Insight affect all skills that have 'Force' as their ability category, so that is all dots, bladestorm, force sweep, pommel & oppertune strike, force stasis, blade rush.


Kinetic & Energy damage describe types of damage, not types of attack

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