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Morality system question


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Hey guys, regarding the morality system I have a question.


I started a Bounty Hunter recently and decided I wasn't just going to keep choosing light side or dark side choices and wanted to think about what I would do in that situation.


I'm just curious if the morality system functions the same as Mass Effect where you unlock more choices the higher rank of dark/light side you are. I'll probably end up being "grey" and was just wondering if I'm going to be missing out on some conversation choices.

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Well, seeing as your game is effected by the choices you make, it would be safe to assume that, yes. If you keep choosing dark side choices, you are going to progressively get more of them and less light side. However, if you aren't some foofoopants or an egotistical a**hole, I don't see you missing out on the situation of being able to chose light or dark in all your quests.
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Hey guys, regarding the morality system I have a question.


I started a Bounty Hunter recently and decided I wasn't just going to keep choosing light side or dark side choices and wanted to think about what I would do in that situation.


I'm just curious if the morality system functions the same as Mass Effect where you unlock more choices the higher rank of dark/light side you are. I'll probably end up being "grey" and was just wondering if I'm going to be missing out on some conversation choices.


Currently, the only use for dark side and light side is because of gear. You'll find equipment that either requires a certain rank (Dark Side I or Light Side III) or that you can't use if you're a certain side (Dark Side forbidden).


There is no such thing as "grey" side as far as equipment goes, so you'd be missing out if you don't pick one or the other. Also, the Dark Side currently changes your appearance as you rank it up.

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Well, seeing as your game is effected by the choices you make, it would be safe to assume that, yes. If you keep choosing dark side choices, you are going to progressively get more of them and less light side. However, if you aren't some foofoopants or an egotistical a**hole, I don't see you missing out on the situation of being able to chose light or dark in all your quests.


I haven't seen TOR's system to work this way at all. Every quest gives the same light/dark options no matter the alignment of the player. Perhaps being more light side closes of certain contacts for missions, and the ones you're left with have more light side choices, but I do not think being Light IV changes the dialogue options of mission contacts.


As was said before, the only "benefit" for being full light/dark is the gear. There isn't currently any "grey" gear for that but I've heard such a gear set is in the works.

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Well the way mass effect worked was it had essentially light and dark but you 'leveled up' each side. Some times you would have conversation options that required a certain amount of renegade and would be grayed out if you didn't have enough.


Was just wondering if you'll miss out on some, not really concerned with gear. I'll most likely be taking moddable gear and making it awesome as I level :)


I'm currently playing my Sith Warrior full dark side because it's totally bad ***, but just wanted a change of pace for an alt I'll be starting and wanted to make sure I wasn't going to miss out on things. :)

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