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Sentinel vs Vanguard


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TL;DR I love both my VG and Sent. Both are AWESOME DPS . I think the Vanguard as a class is more useful and versitle but I could be wrong. Should I make him a full time tank ( cuz i also have the gear for that and he's good at it) and make my sentinel my main DPS or is Sent DPS still inferior to Vanguard DPS and should i go with a Shad for my main tank? I'm talking both PVE ( Mainly PVE) and pvp,


I am talking more about PVE and which class between the Vanguard and Sentinel best fills a dps slot in a raid. I have a geared lvl 50 Vanguard and a 43 Sent that I'm currently building up. Since this is the Sent form I'll focus more on talking about the Sent. I run Watchman. I see no reason to run anything else , not even in PvP. On top of all the damage the utility is amazing. However I see my VG do tons of damage in the parser. More so than any *good* geared sent running with us. I play a very good sentinel and I think I excute my rotations with great precision but I am unsure if I could ever top my Vanguard's numbers even with equal gear.


People say DPS Vanguards are very limited where its clearly obvious that a Sentinel can do A LOT of utility on top of being a main dps. I disagree about the Vanguard. Sentinels can aoe heal, speed+dmg buff, awesome emergency cooldowns and of course they can instant aggro dump which is something I wish my VG can do. However , Vanguards can attack from any range, tow mobs with harpoon ( very useful in some situations) , AOE like champs, and if need be , switch to Ion Cell ( Tank form) if the tank(s) are in trouble. I've literally 'held the line' ( no pun on the ability) while the tanks needed to back off and recover and assume control effectively saving the raid. Something I don't believe possible with my sent.


I want to make my sent my 'other main' , basically have two mains. I've been gathering really nice tanking gear for my VG and might switch him to a full time real tank while my sent becomes my dps toon. Still , is it even worth doing if my VG will always have superior DPS and not soley rely on melee range? Should I just roll a shadow or something as a tank main?

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