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4 Mauraders and 4 Pyrotechs


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Starting to see it often now in 50 WZ's,as someone who plays mainly Republic and has PvP'd since the Sorc a Thon we are again at the mercy of FOTM reroller's.

I really didnt see how letting Sorc's many months ago stay OP was good for the game and they brought them more inline and that army of Sorc's took their ball and left,they needed the crutch apparently.


But here we are again but now with two flavor's that is not only throwing PUG 50 WZ's out of whack but has bleed over to ranked,two guildmates have decided to hang up their hat's due to this because it is just boring and sad to know what you are going against 75% of the time and we have no wish to grab this class and that class only,we enjoy a healthy balance and wish to exclude noone in grouping and ranked Wz's.

Edited by Sathid
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That is certainly strange. On Dalborra the general population seems to favor Focus/Smash Guardians/Juggernauts and/or Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassins. It just doesn't seem to end. Someone uses Push and smashes me, a few secs later another one does the same, a few secs later yet another comes in with a smash.


We have a lil bit more Pyrotechs on the Imps side but a lot of em have either quit or are inactive now. The republic side does not seem to have many Assault Vanguards.

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