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Watching Star Wars again....for the FIRST time!


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So my wife and I are both children of the 70s.

I was 6 when ANH came out and have been in love with Star Wars ever since.

She didn't really grow up watching any of it, had seen only a brief scene here and there and would constantly misquote in a semi-deep voice "Luuuke, I am yooouuur faaattheeerr." to be funny.


We have been married a few years and every time I tried to get her to watch the movies with me, she would end up getting distracted in some way a few minutes in (phone call, ipad, etc.).

So I finally got her to sit down and watch ANH with me and she really enjoyed it.

Of course, it took a bit of explaining about why we were starting with episode IV instead of episode I, but I convinced her this was the best way to view them.

What made it especially fun, was the fact that she really didn't know anything about the movies themselves.

When Vader kills Obi-Wan she yelled "Noo!" almost as loud as Luke did.

"He didn't really kill him, did he?"

Disappointment when she learns he did die.

She thought Leia was grating and annoying ( "she sure isn't grateful for being rescued" ), and she absolutely loved 3PO and R2-D2 (as most girls do).

Excitement as Han shows up and the Death Star is destroyed.


Fast forward to Sunday night and I got her to sit and watch ESB with me.

Again, she really enjoyed it.

Laughing at the funny parts, worried for Luke trapped in the snow, anxious as Han is encased in Carbonite, mad at Lando for the betrayal and sincerely shocked when Vader tells Luke "No, I am your father!".

She turned and said " but that's not how everyone says it!".

I just smiled and nodded slowly, knowingly.

As the movie ends, she tells me "but that's not true, right? Vader isn't really his dad, right?"

Then she asks what happens to Han, does Leia end up with Luke, what about Lando and Chewbacca?

Told her she would have to watch RotJ to find out.

So she immediately had me put that one in.

It was late, so we watched until they hit Endor and finished watching it this morning (couldn't watch it on Monday).


Again, upset when Luke "gives" R2 and 3PO to Jabba.

Excited when they escape the Sarlaac, sad when Yoda dies, surprised to learn Luke and Leia are related.

Very happy when Vader finally kills the Emperor.


Then she makes the mistake of asking me why Vader turned to the dark side in the first place....


We are going to watch Episode 1 tonight after I get home from work....


The great thing about this, is that it brought back all the feelings I had when I watched them for the first time.

It was a great feeling.

Hopefully she isn't too disappointed with the PT.

Although, during the celebration scene at the end of RotJ, when they show the reaction on Naboo, she turned to me and said "Weesa Free?".

I half-mumbled something about JarJar and the gungans, but she'll have to learn about that herself.


One funfact she loved was when she learned that Dennis Lawson (Wedge) was Ewan McGregor's uncle.

She loves EG and so thought that was awesome.

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Did she not hate the gungans and the prequel trilogy as a whole?


Nostalgia allows you to leap to all kinds of conclusions, doesn't it?


Well, see, she hasn't ever really watched them either.

So I started her off with ANH so that she could see them the way I think they should be seen.

Tonight we should start Episode 1, so I should be able to update later in the week whether she finds them lacking or not.


As I said, she really likes Ewan McGregor (and Liam Neeson) so she should tolerate the first one.

Of course, for me, Clone Wars and RotS are better than TPM, so I only hope that it doesn't sour her towards seeing the other two.


What's funny is that I really like the movies and watch them all the time.

When I am bored/wanting something to watch while I take a nap, I will put the Spanish language track on (I speak some spanish).

She finds this funny because she is hispanic.


One of the catalysts for getting her to finally sit down was a trip we took to Disney about a year ago.

Her hands down favorite ride was Star Tours.

She LOVED it and says she would pay to ride just that one over and over.

The quality of that ride actually got her to agree to sit down and watch the movies (although it did take nearly a year).

It's funny when she keeps pointing out things that were on the ride (Hoth, Endor, etc.)

Can't wait until she sees the Gungan city, she'll flip!

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Hmm she has no knowledge of Star Wars at all?


Haha time to mess with her man with fake "X and Y will die" :p


Well, when we were watching RotJ, during the scene where Luke turns himself in on Endor, she asks if Luke is able to turn Vader back to the "good side".

I told her "well, he tries."

And left it at that.

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So my wife and I are both children of the 70s.

I was 6 when ANH came out and have been in love with Star Wars ever since.

She didn't really grow up watching any of it, had seen only a brief scene here and there and would constantly misquote in a semi-deep voice "Luuuke, I am yooouuur faaattheeerr." to be funny.


We have been married a few years and every time I tried to get her to watch the movies with me, she would end up getting distracted in some way a few minutes in (phone call, ipad, etc.).

So I finally got her to sit down and watch ANH with me and she really enjoyed it.

Of course, it took a bit of explaining about why we were starting with episode IV instead of episode I, but I convinced her this was the best way to view them.

What made it especially fun, was the fact that she really didn't know anything about the movies themselves.

When Vader kills Obi-Wan she yelled "Noo!" almost as loud as Luke did.

"He didn't really kill him, did he?"

Disappointment when she learns he did die.

She thought Leia was grating and annoying ( "she sure isn't grateful for being rescued" ), and she absolutely loved 3PO and R2-D2 (as most girls do).

Excitement as Han shows up and the Death Star is destroyed.


Fast forward to Sunday night and I got her to sit and watch ESB with me.

Again, she really enjoyed it.

Laughing at the funny parts, worried for Luke trapped in the snow, anxious as Han is encased in Carbonite, mad at Lando for the betrayal and sincerely shocked when Vader tells Luke "No, I am your father!".

She turned and said " but that's not how everyone says it!".

I just smiled and nodded slowly, knowingly.

As the movie ends, she tells me "but that's not true, right? Vader isn't really his dad, right?"

Then she asks what happens to Han, does Leia end up with Luke, what about Lando and Chewbacca?

Told her she would have to watch RotJ to find out.

So she immediately had me put that one in.

It was late, so we watched until they hit Endor and finished watching it this morning (couldn't watch it on Monday).


Again, upset when Luke "gives" R2 and 3PO to Jabba.

Excited when they escape the Sarlaac, sad when Yoda dies, surprised to learn Luke and Leia are related.

Very happy when Vader finally kills the Emperor.


Then she makes the mistake of asking me why Vader turned to the dark side in the first place....


We are going to watch Episode 1 tonight after I get home from work....


The great thing about this, is that it brought back all the feelings I had when I watched them for the first time.

It was a great feeling.

Hopefully she isn't too disappointed with the PT.

Although, during the celebration scene at the end of RotJ, when they show the reaction on Naboo, she turned to me and said "Weesa Free?".

I half-mumbled something about JarJar and the gungans, but she'll have to learn about that herself.


One funfact she loved was when she learned that Dennis Lawson (Wedge) was Ewan McGregor's uncle.

She loves EG and so thought that was awesome.


Have mercy on her! Don't let her image of Star Wars get ruined by that dreaded Jar Jar Binks!

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I think that if I ever find someone to do this with, I'll bust out the SE DVDs I got back when they first came out on DVD. You know ... the ones that also included the original theatrical prints with no changes or touch-ups as an extra feature? Then we'll start with those.


We won't be starting with "Episode IV." We'll start with "Star Wars."

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