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What gear lvl are you? (merc DPS)


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I see post after post about people complaining about mercs being crap in PVP but i want to know, how is your gear?

I personally am full war hero with augs and i have no trouble in PVP putting out high DPS, so i just want to know where is your gear at?


Please note im not picking on anyone or being a dick i simply want to see if the people that claim that Merc DPS is crap where they are at.

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All augmented WH except offhand. Kept an open mind about arsenal getting a buff and kept playing it. Then i began running with a guildmate that has a new LVL 50 PT in recruit/BM gear. He gets more medals, does more damage, and stays alive longer than my WH Merc.


I have since re-spec'ed as Bodyguard and am working on getting WH healer gear because the Merc DPS is so obviously broken.

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