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Medals in PvP


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I've noticed that there are people who will run towards defence points for a minute, and then leave, or engage a bunch of people in 1 on 1 combat in the middle of nowhere.

Whenever I ask them why they aren't helping us win, they say they're getting the medals.

Coincidentally, every match I've seen this happen in has been lost.

The medals are a more enticing reward then victory to a lot of players, and the people who are helping win the match (And thus, don't care about winning a 1v1 fight or getting defender medals just for the sake of it) end up suffering for it.

The fact that the reward is the same whether or not you win makes it much more worthwhile for some people to do this meaningless tasks away from the action just for the sake of it.

If medals had a reduced reward if you lost, perhaps this would cause medal hunters to focus on the game at hand, because at the moment, there are too many people ignoring defence points and instead focusing on conveniently alone squishy characters.

Maybe I just have bad luck with Warzones, but this seems to me to be a big problem, unless I'm completely missing the point or something.

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the rewards are different depending on wins or loses. That being said, some people are too ignorant to learn that you can get 12+ medals just by playing the objectives.


The only matches I dont get max comms off medals while playing objectives are the ones where we are getting roflstomped so bad that I felt it was more important to go have a smoke than actually put forth any effort as the only member competent enough to get an objective.

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medals are generally harder to get when you're running off having your personal duels away from nodes, because you're neither getting attacker, nor defender points. you're also not getting kills, you can't get any guard, etc.


i can't think of a more inefficient way to farm for medals than to run off on your own.


the only time I do this personally, is when the opposite team rushes our side in Novar Coast, and i cross over after they've left, in order to hit their undermanned bunker on the other side.


fighting mid gets you nothing. sounds like these people are just perpetuating their baddie-ness.

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Once I have concluded that the game is a loss, I switch to farming medals. But if there is any hope for a win, I keep going at 110%. If a teammate calls me out for "giving up", it actually pisses me off pretty badly considering the circumstances that are required for me to "stop trying".


Alderaan - When the other team has double your team's points, you need a 3 cap to win. If your team has been getting stomped all game, there is 0% chance of a 3 cap. This is where I retire and guard our 1 node.


Voidstar - When you defend first and its one of those games where a bomb always seems to be planted at the other door. The enemy squad facerolls all the way to the datacore in 4-5minutes. On the second round, I go 110%. If we fail to plant within 2 or 3 minutes, I revert to DPS mode and just stay off to the side killing people for the other 2mins.


Huttball - When the other team scores 3 times in 5 minutes, its a rap. Start racking up the damage. If I deem my team to be especially unworthy (very rare), I will stop attacking the ball carrier so the game ends even sooner. I'm not proud of that last tactic but sometimes all you want is for the game to end so you can have some different teammates.


Novare - This is the one WZ where its never too late. But if its 100% to 20% and your team never showed signs of life, you are most likely going to lose. Believe it or not, I rarely "give up" on this map. The East and West bases are fun for classes who can solo well...


Conclusion - Im not a habitual quitter as I have most likely described myself as. Im just saying, sometimes...late at night....or after a string of bad games, sometimes "giving up" happens. Lets me rest my mind until the next game.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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