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Light armor as marauder?


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Hey guys!

Before I'm gonna start, I have to admit that my english is not the best, so please excuse any mistakes ;)


I have recently seen a few marauders wearing light armor chest-pieces on my server.. I understand them, 'cause some light armor chest-pieces look definitely better than our normal gear.. (i mean especially the robes with hoodies ^^)

But is this a problem in the PvE-endcontent? I mean, do I take a lot more damage because of the light armor chest-piece?

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You aren't supposed to be tanking a lot of damage as a DPS class anyway. The mitigation loss from a light-grade chest would be minimal.


However, there are plenty of good-looking medium pieces out there. Including robes.

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yeah i know those two already ^^ but some "hood-up" would be nice ^^ don't know wether I'm too dumb to find them, or there aren't any of them ^^ and i don't want to wear some IA-stuff ^^


i mean something like this: http://www.torhead.com/item/3CUD9nM/supreme-inquisitors-robe :)

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