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Will you ever support anything EA again?


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I will continue to play TOR until the light sgo out. No matter how badly EA has screwed up Bioware I still believe this game, over time, will improve. Some EA published games I will buy. I loved DA Origins and DA2 so I will buy DA3. I loved all 3 Mass Effect games, they were amazing. Yes, the ME3 endings were weak, but not because of what most people complained about. They left way too many questions unanswered. BW fixed that with the extended ending DLC.


By the way, the main problem people had with ME3 was how they felt their choices in the first two games had no affect on the endings. The truth is your choices had consequences and affects all throughout the game, some of which were evident in the final battle for Earth. When ME4 comes out in a few years, and you can bet they will make a fourth Mass Effect because many people will crave it just like the Halo games, I will buy it. Ea may have helped screw up this game but I will buy some other EA games. Just not their sprts games. The same game every year is tiring.

Edited by Kilikaa
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I will continue to play TOR until the light sgo out. No matter how badly EA has screwed up Bioware I still believe this game, over time, will improve. Some EA published games I will buy. I loved DA Origins and DA2 so I will buy DA3. I loved all 3 Mass Effect games, they were amazing. Yes, the ME3 endings were weak, but not because of what most people complained about. They left way too many questions unanswered. BW fixed that with the extended ending DLC.


By the way, the main problem people had with ME3 was how they felt their choices in the first had no affect on the endings. The truth is your choices had consequences and affects all throughout the game, some of which were evident in the final battle for Earth. When ME4 comes out in a few years, and you can bet they will make a fourth Mass Effect because many people will crave it just like the Halo games, I will buy it. Ea may have helped screw up this game but I will buy some other EA games. Just not their sprts games. The same game every year is tiring.

I don't think there'll be a Mass Effect 4. There'll be more ME games, that's for sure... but Sheppard's story is over in ME3, no matter what the outcome.


I'd like to see a TOR-like MMO for Mass Effect... take what they've learned from TOR and make a super epic MMO.

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what games will you be buying instead?


give me a good game that wasn't produced, distributed or created by EA. just one. and it needs to have sold over 1 million copies as well.


I am going with a million because Madden 12 didn't even sell 5 million copies...


Fallout series

GTA series

Saints Row series

Red Dead Redemption

Elder Scrolls Series

multiple games in the Star Wars franchise

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I will continue to play SWTOR and buy EA published games. I have no problem with them at all. They are out to make money just like any other business. Are we going to stop supporting Apple when they come out with iPhone 10s? Or stop supporting Activision when they come out with Call of Duty 50 (with the same story over and over again). Have we stopped supporting Ubisoft because of the UPlay? I think are just looking for a reason to complain and to say they aren't going to support something anymore but the minute DA3 or ME4(you know there is going to be one) comes out people will be praising them again.
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If a game looks entertaining then I'll buy it, I couldn't care less who published it.


No sense it being butthurt by the shocking fact that corporations exist to make money.


People take video games too seriously, my god.


Apparently you take forum posts too seriously.

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I just brought an EA game (Need for Speed) two hours ago. And I'll buy Dragon Age 3, and anything Mass Effect related. I also do not plan on unsubbing from SWTOR just yet. (We'll see how the cash shop goes).


I'm going free to play just for the fact that I'm in this for the stories of each class and co-op with a friend , just like DAO,DA2,mass effect 1 & 2,plan on buying ME3,if theres a DA3 ill be interested,I like the companion stories and interaction of all these games.

I really dont care to jump on the hate wagon,I feel the hate wagon is trendy "hey everyone hate this and that"

I like NFS-HS too.

I also Like Ubisofts Assassins creed,Driver SF and Testdrive Ult.2 but everyone likes to hate on the DRM related to those games but it doesnt make the game less enjoyable, people just want to hate things to be trendy and opinionated.

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what games will you be buying instead?


give me a good game that wasn't produced, distributed or created by EA. just one. and it needs to have sold over 8 million copies as well.


There doesn't need to be a "buy instead". This is why EA's CEO thinks people are sheep for him to squeeze every dime out of with mediocre titles with even less customer support after they release.


Games as a hobby are supposed to fun. When they become a headache of customer service and hype without follow through, and a cash shop money grabs it is time to vote with my dollar and find something else to pass my free time with. In or out of video games.


Damn I wanted this game to be good.

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I'm going free to play just for the fact that I'm in this for the stories of each class and co-op with a friend , just like DAO,DA2,mass effect 1 & 2,plan on buying ME3,if theres a DA3 ill be interested,I like the companion stories and interaction of all these games.

I really dont care to jump on the hate wagon,I feel the hate wagon is trendy "hey everyone hate this and that"

I like NFS-HS too.

I also Like Ubisofts Assassins creed,Driver SF and Testdrive Ult.2 but everyone likes to hate on the DRM related to those games but it doesnt make the game less enjoyable, people just want to hate things to be trendy and opinionated.


Assassin's Creed, the hate is understandable. From what I've heard, lose internet connection and you can lose a couple of hours of gameplay (Depending on the last save time).


The hate against EA and Bioware isn't understable. EA is a company. It funded this game, it funded ME3 and it expects to get it's money back with profits.


Bioware has made stellar games. Dragon Age. Dragon Age 2. Mass Effect. Mass Effect 2 and 3, Star Wars The Old Republic. Knights of the... the list goes on and on... What do they have in common? They're all great games. Yes, they have some problems (SWTOR lacking addons for a start, ME3's original ending, etc) but that doesn't make them any less great.


I don't understand the hatred bioware and EA get. As I said, EA funded this game and Bioware's last few games. Without EA, there'd be no Star Wars: The Old Republic. Bioware'd simply not be able to fund it.

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I don't understand the hatred bioware and EA get. As I said, EA funded this game and Bioware's last few games. Without EA, there'd be no Star Wars: The Old Republic. Bioware'd simply not be able to fund it.


Do you rly think that for companies to make a good MMO they need to have a budget of 200 million dollars because I dont , games can be good with less money invested into them.


Also if there wouldnt be EA to support this game maybe some other publisher would and maybe that would be better for the game.

Edited by Lunablade
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I think I'll add this,really how badly is EA effecting your daily lives that you would deny yourself certain games that are really good that you'de like and not experience the game out of stubborness.


I call "not supporting a gameing company EA" a bluff.

If theres a great game you want badly , you will buy it, the rest is holding your breath until your face turns blue your mom knows your going to breath, your dad knows your going to breath and If EA pops out a game you want, your going to breath.


We know you will breath, and if EA publishes a game you want badly enough your going to buy it.

no ones fooling anyone here.

Edited by CygnusMX
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If a game looks entertaining then I'll buy it, I couldn't care less who published it.


No sense it being butthurt by the shocking fact that corporations exist to make money.


People take video games too seriously, my god.


my thoughts streamlined and to the point, thanks lol

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what games will you be buying instead?


give me a good game that wasn't produced, distributed or created by EA. just one. and it needs to have sold over 8 million copies as well.


This comment screams "I don't really know anything about gaming"


Why does it need to sell over 8 million copies?


Since when does amount sold equal quality?


Look at CoD, that trash breaks records every time. I know people are sheep just using this one example.


To answer your question without your stupid 8 million copies sold requirement: KOTOR, Mass Effect 1, Witcher 2, Minecraft, EVE, Assassin's Creed 2, Gears of War 1 and 3, Halo, Uncharted, Grand Turismo etc. Also Nintendo 1st party titles say hello. I could go on and on. Im a TRUE gamer, I play everything.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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I will continue supporting SWTOR as long as it does not go Pay to Win, but the second it does, EA will only see my finger while money goes towards other products. No way in hell they are getting any more of my money outside of this game seeing how this is going.
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Bioware has made stellar games. Dragon Age. Dragon Age 2. Mass Effect. Mass Effect 2 and 3, Star Wars The Old Republic. Knights of the... the list goes on and on... What do they have in common? They're all great games. Yes, they have some problems (SWTOR lacking addons for a start, ME3's original ending, etc) but that doesn't make them any less great.


I don't understand the hatred bioware and EA get. As I said, EA funded this game and Bioware's last few games. Without EA, there'd be no Star Wars: The Old Republic. Bioware'd simply not be able to fund it.



You are only as good as your last game. :csw_yoda:



(also Bioware != Bioware EA - the company that made KOTOR basically isn't the same one that made SWTOR anymore than Bethesda making SWTOR would have been)

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Do you rly think that for companies to make a good MMO they need to have a budget of 200 million dollars because I dont , games can be good with less money invested into them.


Also if there wouldnt be EA to support this game maybe some other publisher would and maybe that would be better for the game.


Yes. SWTOR needed 200 million because it's a unique cookie. Unlike previous games, SWTOR is voiced by professional voice actors.


And if this was Activision or Atari publishing this game, you'd be hating on them instead of EA. It's the same pointless circle all over again.

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You are only as good as your last game. :csw_yoda:



(also Bioware != Bioware EA - the company that made KOTOR basically isn't the same one that made SWTOR anymore than Bethesda making SWTOR would have been)


Their last game to be released was Mass Effect 3 and I loved that game. I was disappointed in the original ending but the ending DLC moved me emotionally (That's a good thing).


Bioware = Bioware EA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioware#Games

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Please tell me you're not comparing a game released in '96 for DOS or Windows 95, to a game released in 2011/2012 for Windows 7... Please tell me...


Just saying they paid proffessional actors to actually ACT (really badly :D) in those days. 200M seems a lot just for voice acting. :eek:

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Yes. SWTOR needed 200 million because it's a unique cookie. Unlike previous games, SWTOR is voiced by professional voice actors.


And if this was Activision or Atari publishing this game, you'd be hating on them instead of EA. It's the same pointless circle all over again.



I understand that SWTOR is " unique cookie " as you stated it but I dont think that game needed as much of VO as it has now just because that overall ammount of VO in the game will not be crucial to the matter will this game fail or succeed.

Would be much better in fact if they spended less on the VO work and more in some more important aspects for MMOS like gameplay features, world design and endgame activities.


And nobody would hate anyone if publisher havent pushed Bioware ( in this case EA ) to release game prematurely before game was finished and ready for release and without some features which are considered as standard for all MMOS released at this time ( dungeon finder , achievement system , dual specs etc ) and than after game was released on first sign of the crisis when subs started to drop layed off devs and openly stated how TOR is not on their list of priority games pushing game into FTP.

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Please tell me you're not comparing a game released in '96 for DOS or Windows 95, to a game released in 2011/2012 for Windows 7... Please tell me...


Why not? You said professional voice actors... This is even better bc its live action cut scenes with full costumes. Pretty awesome for 96. Wonder how much that cost? Not 200 million...

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Why does everyone point a finger at EA for SWTOR issues, I'm not saying EA are not at fault.


EA bought out Bioware so the major shareholders at Bioware must have agreed the deal, if they had any reservations regarding how EA work then they should not have sold out to them. So Bioware must take equal blame as well.


As none of us work for either company (or at least not at board level), so nobody knows who did what regarding launch etc etc, but as EA are the parent company they take the blame. It could be Bioware's DEVs said to EA yep we will be ready for lauch date no worries. EA reply OK we'll market and get all production ready for that date , only for the DEVs to come back 2 weeks before launch and say hmmm guys we wont be ready we have quite a few bugs and will have to drop some content we wanted in launch!!!! now of course this is just maybe what happened, but who knows?


So yes I will still buy EA products which interest me, and to all the people who say no never again yet still play this game well that's just sad. If you hate EA that much at least have the balls to say never going to put any more money in the company. You would not buy a car and drive it, if you hated it or would you?

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