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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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You're out of your mind if you think the monthly stipend of points is going to cover anything but the most basic stuff in the shop.


The whole point of the cash-shop is to get people to spend money. If BioWare can get people to sub and spend money in the shop, that is the best possible outcome for them.

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But as a subscription player I will receive free Cartel Coins every month...if I want to buy something out of the shop I will use my free Cartel Coins...so how am I losing out on anything?


Or as in the HK example I will just obtain him via the in game quest arc....


You have just come up with the answer to the biggest non problem I have ever seen. Congratz.




The cashshop can't work that way, part of the model is to get those with subs to also buy from the cashshop (not just use what they get for free), therefore there has to BE an incentive to buy.


Inevitably this leads to things like P2W combat stat increasing vanity pets etc.

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This, and as mentioned earlier, WoW has been around the block for some time. The fact that TOR didn't even make it to a 1 year anniversary without going with added F2P model is hilariously bad.:rak_03:


I think the big issue was that they had a crappy end game system. They made it fun to level up for sure due to the storylines of each class and that revolutionized leveling in MMORPGs but it didn't offer anything new in end game different from other MMORPGs.

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You're out of your mind if you think the monthly stipend of points is going to cover anything but the most basic stuff in the shop.


The whole point of the cash-shop is to get people to spend money. If BioWare can get people to sub and spend money in the shop, that is the best possible outcome for them.


Who cares about fluff, ye people will buy it but no one is forced to buy fluff. If you cut out the f2p part it is exactly the same as wow. the F2P just makes it so that people who sub get unrestricted access to content, all contnent, all content in fuure patches, all operations, all flashpoints and free cartel points that they can store up to buy fluff which the F2P people will have to buy.

Edited by Shingara
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But as a subscription player I will receive free Cartel Coins every month...if I want to buy something out of the shop I will use my free Cartel Coins...so how am I losing out on anything?


Or as in the HK example I will just obtain him via the in game quest arc....


You have just come up with the answer to the biggest non problem I have ever seen. Congratz.



you seem to think your 200 free coins per month will get you an item right away


more like you will need to save up a few months to get any sort of item, seeing as launch players with a CE are going to be walking into f2p with about 3000 coins, i think this will get them HK 51 or atleast one of the items that they have showed off on the f2p page.


everyone else will need to save there coins or open there wallet to buy more

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The shop won't be just fluff, there'll be things like medpacs, stims, crafting schematics, crafting materials, scrolls to enhance crafting results or speed up crafting time, mods... whatever they can squeeze in, in addition to speeders, companions, pets, and whatnot.
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Who cares about fluff, ye people will buy it but no one is forced to buy fluff. If you cut out the f2p part it is exactly the same as wow. the F2P just makes it so that people who sub get unrestricted access to content, all contnent, all content in fuure patches, all operations, all flashpoints and free cartel points that they can store up to buy fluff which the F2P people will have to buy.


but wow is only to lvl 20.. not lvl 85


once you hit lvl 20 you must sub to the game, then once you hit Northrend you have to buy wrath same with cata.


so its not really a free to play game is it


unlike swtor who will let you download the game for free come november then let you play the best 50% of its gameplay for free, hoping that you will sub or sink a ton of cash into the shop.

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you seem to think your 200 free coins per month will get you an item right away


more like you will need to save up a few months to get any sort of item, seeing as launch players with a CE are going to be walking into f2p with about 3000 coins, i think this will get them HK 51 or atleast one of the items that they have showed off on the f2p page.


everyone else will need to save there coins or open there wallet to buy more


I am a CE player. I will obtain HK via the in game quest arc.


I will not buy much fluff therefore the 1,000-2,000 I will start with plus the free allocation every month will do me nicely.



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this is what worries me


Travel Features

Subscription members have access to all travel functionality, making getting around the world easier.


f2p players will have limited travel, to me this sounds like you will need cartel coins to use your ship to get from planet to planet, makes sence seeing as the CEO of EA commented on how he would like to chareg BF players $1 every time they reloaded there rifle.

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but wow is only to lvl 20.. not lvl 85


once you hit lvl 20 you must sub to the game, then once you hit Northrend you have to buy wrath same with cata.


so its not really a free to play game is it


unlike swtor who will let you download the game for free come november then let you play the best 50% of its gameplay for free, hoping that you will sub or sink a ton of cash into the shop.


TOR is not becoming a Free to Play game either.


It will remain a subscription based MMO which has a hybrid Freemium mechanic designed to attract more players / generate more revenue.



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but wow is only to lvl 20.. not lvl 85


once you hit lvl 20 you must sub to the game, then once you hit Northrend you have to buy wrath same with cata.


so its not really a free to play game is it


unlike swtor who will let you download the game for free come november then let you play the best 50% of its gameplay for free, hoping that you will sub or sink a ton of cash into the shop.


Whos talking about when the F2P ends, im on about fluff. WOW has the most expensive fluff going. Depending on what goes into the cash shop be it mounts, vanity items or even player housing stuff people will buy it but they can do it without having to subscribe.


Todo operations or unrestricted warzones or flashpoints f2p players will have to purchase those parts of the game.

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you seem to think your 200 free coins per month will get you an item right away


more like you will need to save up a few months to get any sort of item, seeing as launch players with a CE are going to be walking into f2p with about 3000 coins, i think this will get them HK 51 or atleast one of the items that they have showed off on the f2p page.


everyone else will need to save there coins or open there wallet to buy more



At this point to have a faith in EA is like having an faith in a devil , just some naive ppl cant see that.

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this is what worries me




f2p players will have limited travel, to me this sounds like you will need cartel coins to use your ship to get from planet to planet, makes sence seeing as the CEO of EA commented on how he would like to chareg BF players $1 every time they reloaded there rifle.


Hardly surprising when you think that F2P players will not even have access to a full charater creator...would follow that other such hefty restrictions apply...could be worse...I think WAR's F2P option limits you to level 15 and green gear only.



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At this point to have a faith in EA is like having an faith in a devil , just some naive ppl cant see that.


You may be right, but the same applies to all other such games companies / publishers.


Very few studios and certainly no publishers are in it "to make great games" any more....


EA is bad. Acti/Blizz is worse imo...just look at the shameless debacle that is Diablo 3. Now there is a piece of software designed to do nothing but frustrate and rip off its loyal fans who have been waiting for it for 10 years...gg Blizz.


Oh and Panda's and Pokemon? Come on really...shameless.



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TOR is not becoming a Free to Play game either.


It will remain a subscription based MMO which has a hybrid Freemium mechanic designed to attract more players / generate more revenue.




It depends somewhat on what they actually mean.


At the moment it seems more like the LOTRO model where you pay monthly and become a VIP, which isn't the same thing as a subscriber in a normal MMORPG (althuogh it costs the same).


If it was genuinely going to remain a subscription MMORPG with F2P/Cashshop, then they wouldn't need to give subscribers cashshop tokens, because it would be pointless and counter-productive.

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Bioware and EA need to look at some of the choices they made and defended despite people questioning it pre launch.


The Lack of open world meaningful PvP.


The Lack of decent Space Combat


The Lack of species that aren't just coloured Humans.


The Odd Choice of Stylised Graphics in an attempt to make the game seem age less infact dated the game very quickly, making it look very free to play from the off set.


The lack of end game content.


The Addition of Story and then to make it meaningless to the point spaming 1 and space baring through all the dialogue inevitably leads you to the same place as any attempt at choice. Or companions even with 10000 affection will still betray you.


The lack of a meaningful light/dark/grey system where any of this matters over a legacy buff (at level 50) and some gear for light and dark.


The lack of 3D flight.


Perhaps addressing any number of these might have been a step in the right direction rather than free to play which was likely decided upon 3 months into launch from when they started hinting at it. The people at EA and BW really should have spoken to their potential player base rather than saying we aren't willing to talk about that and ignoring the forums.

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Better the devil you know, the same arguments can be leveled at GW2 yet peeps dont seem tobe doing that.


Hang on...isn't GW2....a F2P game?


According to people in this thread it's doomed to be a huge pile of fail from the outset then...


Glad I am giving it a miss :)



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Hang on...isn't GW2....a F2P game?


According to people in this thread it's doomed to be a huge pile of fail from the outset then...


Glad I am giving it a miss :)




You know what, im pretty sure that has a cash shop too. :eek:

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Bioware and EA need to look at some of the choices they made and defended despite people questioning it pre launch.


The Lack of open world meaningful PvP.


The Lack of decent Space Combat


The Lack of species that aren't just coloured Humans.


The Odd Choice of Stylised Graphics in an attempt to make the game seem age less infact dated the game very quickly, making it look very free to play from the off set.


The lack of end game content.


The Addition of Story and then to make it meaningless to the point spaming 1 and space baring through all the dialogue inevitably leads you to the same place as any attempt at choice. Or companions even with 10000 affection will still betray you.


The lack of a meaningful light/dark/grey system where any of this matters over a legacy buff (at level 50) and some gear for light and dark.


The lack of 3D flight.


Perhaps addressing any number of these might have been a step in the right direction rather than free to play which was likely decided upon 3 months into launch from when they started hinting at it. The people at EA and BW really should have spoken to their potential player base rather than saying we aren't willing to talk about that and ignoring the forums.


Kind of agree...even though I am still enjoying it...


They should have made SWG2.0 :)



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It depends somewhat on what they actually mean.


At the moment it seems more like the LOTRO model where you pay monthly and become a VIP, which isn't the same thing as a subscriber in a normal MMORPG (althuogh it costs the same).


If it was genuinely going to remain a subscription MMORPG with F2P/Cashshop, then they wouldn't need to give subscribers cashshop tokens, because it would be pointless and counter-productive.


It's nothing like LotRO. It's like Age of Conan.


LotRO is three tiers and subscribers keep most of what they've unlocked as far as inventory or virtue slots or whatnot if they end their sub and drop to mid-tier.


AoC has two tiers and you lose everything you've gained if you let your sub lapse.


For the number of times I've repeated this I should make a thread. But I don't want to.

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You may be right, but the same applies to all other such games companies / publishers.


Very few studios and certainly no publishers are in it "to make great games" any more....


EA is bad. Acti/Blizz is worse imo...just look at the shameless debacle that is Diablo 3. Now there is a piece of software designed to do nothing but frustrate and rip off its loyal fans who have been waiting for it for 10 years...gg Blizz.





Yeah but making the game which was still profitable and which had PTP model into hybrid FTP / sub model , laying off lots of devs, cuting out budget and openly stating how TOR is less of priority for them than SimCity and a miss makes it even worse.


Dragon Age 2 and TOR are even biger debacles than Diablo 3 especially because of all the budget invested into TOR which made this game most expensive MMO in history which supposed to be WoW killer but which had to drop in the end its PTP model so fast , faster than most other MMOS which failed in past ( even faster than LOTRO and AOC ) and go with a hybrid model.

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Yeah but making the game which was still profitable and which had PTP model into hybrid FTP / sub model , laying off lots of devs, cuting out budget and openly stating how TOR is less of priority for them than SimCity and a miss makes it even worse.


We have no idea how big the dev team is but we know its still one of the biggest in the industry. Shedding devs after launch is no new thing as even wow did it, the devs that were shedded from bliz created Arenanet and the peeps who made hellgate london.


Of course the budget is cut, they dont have as many devs or csrs any more and are going to have reduced server costs due to making bigger servers but less of.

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