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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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Hehe. Good to see you back to your old crippy self. :)


Thanks!! I thought about things more and actually for the whole f2p option thing. I really thought a lot about things and am feeling better Valk! :) Thanks buddy! Defense force out again "meaning me" lol :p

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I don't get how TOR was rushed. It wasn't rushed. The flaws - the lifeless worlds designed to herd players through linear corridors, the terrible on-rails space game, the questionable engine, the emphasis on story instead of gameplay - these were all design choices. Nor did EA "corrupt" BioWare, as I keep seeing. This game is exactly like KotOR, just with a multiplayer element tacked on.


I didn't specifically mean SWTOR, really. It was a bit of a sweeping statement.


What I more meant was - From what I've been reading, they've had previous rushed titles that have flopped, so why have they not learned the lessons from it?

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Well, it's a profitable game, for one, which TOR is not. It's a growing game, for another, which TOR is not. It's managed to keep a subscription model throughout its growth, which TOR has not - never mind that TOR isn't growing.


It also, as I just pointed out, has more active players than TOR.


Ok, so you don't have any sources to actually prove any points you're trying to make and when confronted with hard evidence that your position is wrong you still refuse to back up your position with anything more than conjecture.


I can only assume that you are trolling. Until you get ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER that anything you actually say is true I'm done playing you're little troll games.


None of these statements are in any way related to the points I've made or the argument I formed.

It was claimed that EVE has more players than SWTOR. You are moving the goal posts. I provided evidence that EVE does not have more players, not in terms of raw numbers nor in terms of actual subscribers. Until you can supply some kind of evidence to the contrary, you are just trolling.

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Thanks!! I thought about things more and actually for the whole f2p option thing. I really thought a lot about things and am feeling better Valk! :) Thanks buddy! Defense force out again "meaning me" lol :p


Good. It was a good move and may increase the number of subbers. Time will tell. The important thing for those who like TOR now is..nothing will change for them and could get a lot better because of it. :)

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Yet they prefer to stay subbed to it rather than TOR.


That's...kind of a sad statement that I'm not sure you were trying to make.

The point is...I don't care what they decide to do. Did you get that in there? No? Well you did now. :) That's why we have different games, so people can choose different things. Did you read any of my post at all? The whole reason WAS in there why they prefer to stay subbed to eve.

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I didn't specifically mean SWTOR, really. It was a bit of a sweeping statement.


What I more meant was - From what I've been reading, they've had previous rushed titles that have flopped, so why have they not learned the lessons from it?


Because eventually, you have to start seeing a return on your investment.

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Ok, so you don't have any sources to actually prove any points you're trying to make and when confronted with hard evidence that your position is wrong you still refuse to back up your position with anything more than conjecture.


I can only assume that you are trolling. Until you get ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER that anything you actually say is true I'm done playing you're little troll games.


None of these statements are in any way related to the points I've made or the argument I formed.

It was claimed that EVE has more players than SWTOR. You are moving the goal posts. I provided evidence that EVE does not have more players, not in terms of raw numbers nor in terms of actual subscribers. Until you can supply some kind of evidence to the contrary, you are just trolling.

You need to scroll back. I provided you with what you asked for.


You're not disputing, incidentally, that EVE is growing, profitable, and still subscription-based, while TOR is none of those things, I hope?

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You need to scroll back. I provided you with what you asked for.


You're not disputing, incidentally, that EVE is growing, profitable, and still subscription-based, while TOR is none of those things, I hope?


No, you did not provide me with what you claimed. You provided conjecture.


Fact-xfire data shows that SWTOR is number 12 and Eve is number 25. SWTOR has twice the number of players according to this data.


Fact- EA claims that SWTOR has at least 500k while ccp claims that Eve has 400k, that number includes 45k trial accounts which means insofar as active, paying subs, Eve has 350k.


The argument was that EVE has more players than SWTOR it does not. Now you can go ahead and troll about whatever you want, I don't care. Eve does not have more players than SWTOR.

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There is a big difference between WoW and SWTOR.

If someone asks "are you playing an mmo?"

and you answer with "yes WoW" you are automatically an disgusting nerd.

WoW has the worst reputation among all MMOS

Edited by BjoernR
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Xfire? Really? When did we enter the timewarp to 2007?


listen EVE is a good game but it is still a niche title and that's fine it doesn't need millions of players. It has it's playerbase and it is thriving. But it's playerbase is still smaller then SWTORs right now.


SWTOR is still profitibable right now as EA has stated but they want more profit also it is declining so its better in their eyes to swtich to F2P sooner rather then later as once people unistall a game from their HD the odds of them reinstalling it are slim.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Kinda puts things in perspective.:D


Previous Subscription Losses

Q1 2011 - 600,000 subscribers lost

Q2 2011 - 300,000 subscribers lost

Q3 2011 - 800,000 subscribers lost

Q4 2011 - 100,000 subscribers lost.

Q1 2012 - 0 subscribers lost. <------

Q2 2012 - 1,100,000 subscribers lost.

9.1? Are you crazy? They were down to a little below 8 million last year when the subscriber losses ended.

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No, you did not provide me with what you claimed. You provided conjecture.


Fact-xfire data shows that SWTOR is number 12 and Eve is number 25. SWTOR has twice the number of players according to this data.


Fact- EA claims that SWTOR has at least 500k while ccp claims that Eve has 400k, that number includes 45k trial accounts which means insofar as active, paying subs, Eve has 350k.


The argument was that EVE has more players than SWTOR it does not. Now you can go ahead and troll about whatever you want, I don't care. Eve does not have more players than SWTOR.

Incorrect, I'm afraid. CCP reports only active players; their total subscriptions are likely higher.


EA makes no such claims about reporting only active players, or even non-canceled but yet-to-run-out subscriptions.


Xfire data is about as relevant as political polls on right/left-wing blogs; it suffers from serious self-selection bias. Unless you'd take a poll from Hotair as proof that 97% of Americans will be voting for Romney or Obama?

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listen EVE is a good game but it is still a niche title and that's fine it doesn't need millions of players. It has it's playerbase and it is thriving. But it's playerbase is still smaller then SWTORs right now.


SWTOR is still profitibable right now as EA has stated but they want more profit also it is declining so its better in their eyes to swtich to F2P sooner rather then later as once people unistall a game from their HD the odds of them reinstalling it are slim.

EA has not stated that TOR is still profitable, actually.


They have claimed they are above 500K subscriptions; they have claimed that 500K active, non-trial subscriptions is their break even point. They have not stated how many of those 500K+ subscriptions they have are not currently canceled and waiting to run out, nor how many are trial. Their claims about TOR's profitability have been directly questioned by their own investors and been hung up on rather than answered.

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Xfire? Really? When did we enter the timewarp to 2007?


Whereas your "facts" are based on....


All publishers include non playing / inactive subscriptions as active players and they all count Asian players who do not even have a subscription as "active subscribers"...


How do you think Blizz turn their 4-5 million subscribers into 9.1 million for the purposes of the earning calls?



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Whereas your "facts" are based on....


All publishers include non playing / inactive subscriptions as active players and they all count Asian players who do not even have a subscription as "active subscribers"...


How do you think Blizz turn their 4-5 million subscribers into 9.1 million for the purposes of the earning calls?



CCP does not.


Go ahead and look it up if you don't believe me. It's one of the things they're widely known for.

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No, paid subs in TOR get (as they say at the moment, anyway) all regular Game Updates. As I said, the second they want to circumvent that, they release content classified as...well, anything else.


I know, I know. EA would never do that. It's not like they cut content from single-player games to sell as Day One DLC or anything, right?


I'm not in favor of their practices, but I'm not quitting until I see them try to more for less. My $15 a month will get me regular content updates. I assume they were telling the truth about that.


If an expansion pack ever comes out, I would weigh the cost and benefit just like I did when WoW produced expansion packs.

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Poor Blizzard.

WoW with only 9 million subs is dead.

And MoP will only be on the top 5 best selling games of the year.

Someone has to really tell Blizzard how to run an MMO.They clearly need help.EA/BW maybe?


I loled.Then I loled again.And then I loled some more.:D

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I'm not in favor of their practices, but I'm not quitting until I see them try to more for less. My $15 a month will get me regular content updates. I assume they were telling the truth about that.

Prior to the F2P announcement, they told you your $15 a month would see new content rolled out monthly. Were they telling the truth about that? How many monthly content updates have you seen since launch? According to what they said, it should be eight.


Has it been eight?

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Of course Asians are people.


However, they are not paying subscribers in most cases, because they do not, you know, pay for a monthly sub.




Just like the huge increase in TOR "subscribers" we'll see in a couple months!

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