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BioWare, this is why people left and why those who stayed are angry and might leave..


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Misadvertising is one thing, stating something in 2008 and changing it through the course of 3 years is something else. Just like in a beta "everything can be subject to change" those videos didn't tell us how the game would have been. Just like how they thought it would be at that point in time. Things like killing companions were discussed and they stated to be made impossible because people might regret their decisions.


All the money we're "feeding" them is going into the new end game content not to mention it probably is still paying for the initial cost of the game (if they went free to play since the beginning they couldn't have paid for that, in my opinion).

The free month included in the 15 dollars sale of August is included in any other purchase of the game.


Lack of communication? 2 days ago I asked something to Joveth Gonzalez via Twitter and he answered in about 20 minutes. Of course if you want to know everything about the upcoming content, imagine if you, as BW, were forced to introduce all of the tech needed to fo Free to Play on top of said content. You wouldn't have too much time to talk.


Blame EA for changing it to a WoW clone

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i agreed with this post.


this is my first month that i play the game with a monthly fee but i feel me very stupid that i have buyed it.


1. a lot of bugs (you can't complete you codex because there are a lot of bugs in the system)

2. much stuck locations for getting the datachrones (cartoon stuck in a building)

3. not much end game content.

4. too slow with fixing stuff.

5. you promised us frequent game content (only so far legacy and dungeon-finder) and that in +- 8 months :rolleyes:

6. legacy skill tree does not have much useable skills what you need (companion dance) it is fun but not needed. it is better to import the players what you have on the ship that they can craft for you what you have learned with that toony for a price (not needed to relog the whole time)

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I understand why people get upset with these things, but if you really don't like it not one is forcing you to keep playing. You got what you paid for to date. The original game and the play time you paid for. The fact that the original game is now cheaper that it's been out for 6 mos: no offense that's every game and almost every consumable product I’ve ever owned. I bought a 42” LCD a few years back and it was $1400. You can get the same model (newer, better version) for less than ½ now.


I’m not negating your feelings, but I’m suggesting that you shouldn’t be surprised here. You got what you paid for. If you continue to subscribe you will continue to get the same; if you go F2P you’ll lose some features but you won’t pay $15 a month. Choice is still in yours.



They should have just brought it out as a F2P game, instead of milking subscribers first.

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$60? You got off cheap, i paid $170 for the C.E. ($20 for shipping through Gamestop), because I wanted the C.E. store and VIP store... and what have they added? A pet!!! And now with the Cartel store announced I bet these two store will die... THANK DEVELOPERS


Ditto, wish I could get a refund but I know that I can't.

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. You do not speak for me or the silent majority.



Actually he speaks for the vast majority that have already left and those with 6 month subs biding time, but not the ever dwindling minority that are still hanging on.

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I understand why people get upset with these things, but if you really don't like it not one is forcing you to keep playing. You got what you paid for to date. The original game and the play time you paid for. The fact that the original game is now cheaper that it's been out for 6 mos: no offense that's every game and almost every consumable product I’ve ever owned. I bought a 42” LCD a few years back and it was $1400. You can get the same model (newer, better version) for less than ½ now.


I’m not negating your feelings, but I’m suggesting that you shouldn’t be surprised here. You got what you paid for. If you continue to subscribe you will continue to get the same; if you go F2P you’ll lose some features but you won’t pay $15 a month. Choice is still in yours.


to a degree yes we did get what we paid for... I am not upset about the game going f2p. I am upset that I was told that I would have access to two vendors (C.E. and VIP) yet the only addition to the store was a pet, a pet that everyone who met a certain criteria (though a different skin) received even though they are not C.E. holders.


I bought the C.E. for the store and the game items, but there has not been any new content added, and what is in there is slightly over priced due to the fact that it is an ignored aspect of the game. Same for the VIP, either you get it through the C.E. (or digital I think) or purchase it with in game credits at 1000000 then the only this that they added wass a speeder that too is WAY over priced.


And I am willing to bet that these stores are going to be taken out at f2p launch, since no one is addressing the questions about the store in the past Q&As

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