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If F2P players have limited warzones - then won't they be undergeared for months?


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do you or do you not see the Meditation char in the F2P page? Who has been the only person to use a meditation char in SWTOR cannon ? Not expanded universe.





So yes its not far off to say they will sell his helmet, they have helmets close to vaders already.


Slave Girl Set ?

Carbonite Statue ?


They will milk the franchise into the Cartel Store to make Lucas Proud


I appreciate your enthusiasm on things that may or may not happen in 3 months. However... you are still assuming. I understand why you would think so... but I would like to think that they see where they went wrong with previous F2P games and would be a little more careful with this $200 million dollar project they put together.


I never said you're wrong or have no reason to be concerned... but you are definitely making assumptions. My point is only that I hope you're wrong and I think it's funny how many people are jumping the gun and talking about un-subbing already. THESE are the people who created this problem. If we still had 2 million subs they probably would not be entertaining the idea of F2P even as a marketing tool. All of the people who enjoyed teh game but quit out of pure nerf rage from not getting ranked within the first 3 months, or class imbalance (which is impossible) and all the crap that comes with every fresh MMO.... we wouldn't be looking at this so, yeah... I LOL at the people who make assumptions.


Again... you very well may be right. All I'm saying is "I hope not".

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I find it saves a lot of energy if I wait until after something happens to panic.


The whole wake up in the morning, Panic, run in circles screaming, then go to work was wearing me down.


Well... I could have saved myself from a wall of text if I had thought of it like this.... but yeah. This is exactly what I'm trying to say.

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The good news is - lowbie pvp will get a lot more active with variety.


The bad news is, those fresh 50s will be permabad. To get war hero will take them several months, if not over a year for fully modded. I doubt any 50 f2p'r can repeatedly take it in the rectum for 6 months in order to gear to battlemaster. .


They are likely to be majority empire.


And im ok with this.

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They will not be indergeard, they will be able to purchase it


Example Warhammer Online. its F2P and run by Bioware/EA




" Start with the Progression Pack, which gives your character 20 additional ranks above the normal maximum of 80. Gain extra advantages with two new Split sets of Armor and extra Renown gear as you advance to Rank 100. Your leveling becomes faster the more your play, moving you to the ranks of Warhammer elites and throwing the gauntlet down to your enemies. "



They do it with their other F2P games, what makes you think they wont for SWTOR


Thats a pretty poor example considering to take advantage of that progression pack you have to have a sub otherwise its just a waste of money.


Secondly how long before the threads of "I am not paying a sub to play with a bunch of f2p players on my team" threads start popping up. Itll be all fun and games for the sub players until those 13k free players litter your team on a nightly basis.

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