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Force leap stun is BS


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Several times in WZs I've been immediately stunned for a prolonged period upon landing a force leap. Typically that is followed by all the Imps in the neighborhood gang ****** me to death. The animation that accompanies this is cute: a smoking crater opens up under my feet.


I think it may be fat BHs that can do this to me, but I'm not sure. Next time this happens, I need to remove my head from my posterior and note the enemy class; I'll probably refrain from jumping on them as soon as I figure it out.

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Juggernaut/Marauder/Powertech and their mirrors all have leap abilitys, all which stun, or atleast stop you moving for a second and cancel actions.


EDIT: Read your signature, says you have a sentinel, unless i've read your thread completely wrong I would like to think you'd know your class has leap >>

Edited by Jayshames
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Juggernaut/Marauder/Powertech and their mirrors all have leap abilitys, all which stun, or atleast stop you moving for a second and cancel actions.


EDIT: Read your signature, says you have a sentinel, unless i've read your thread completely wrong I would like to think you'd know your class has leap >>


Looks like you read my thread completely wrong. The 1st sentence in my post ends with

...I've been immediately stunned for a prolonged period upon landing a force leap.

To paraphrase, I tell you "I did a Force Leap".

You reply: "Gosh, you must be stupid, a Sentinel who doesn't even know he has a Force Leap." :confused:


Like all Sents, I use the Force Leap all the time, both to start fights and to flee nastly little Imperial Agents. It's normally great -- causes damage, builds focus, life is good.


But sometimes I am the one stunned as soon as I land, a stun I cannot break, and not briefly but for for long enough to be killed. In this situation, life is not so good, but more along the line of nasty, brutish, and short.



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the smoking crater is a cybertech grenade to which anyone has access to. It's also a mez and not a stun

So I execute a force leap and he mezzes me with a grenade before I land but when I am in range? Good timing on his part, if that's what happened. Guess I telegraphed my leap.



I was not clear on mezz vs stun, so I looked it up. According to what I found thru Google, a mezz immobilizes for some time duration or until damage is taken. That would be like a Troopers Concussive Round. A stun, on the other hand, immobilizes regardless of damage taken, which would be like a Trooper's Cyro grenade.


With my Sent, I am definitely getting stunned when I land the Force Leap: I am held helpless while taking loads of damage, usually until death.

Edited by SweetOldBob
it's a stun, not a mezz
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Looks like you read my thread completely wrong. The 1st sentence in my post ends with


To paraphrase, I tell you "I did a Force Leap".

You reply: "Gosh, you must be stupid, a Sentinel who doesn't even know he has a Force Leap." :confused:


Like all Sents, I use the Force Leap all the time, both to start fights and to flee nastly little Imperial Agents. It's normally great -- causes damage, builds focus, life is good.


But sometimes I am the one stunned as soon as I land, a stun I cannot break, and not briefly but for for long enough to be killed. In this situation, life is not so good, but more along the line of nasty, brutish, and short.




Hence the reason I said "unless i've read your thread completely wrong" :confused:

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If this was already stated by a prior poster I appoloigze.


You can stun people mid-leap. This happens to my Powertech BH occasionally in WZs. It's actually really fun to do if you have a ranged stun. Also everyone and their great aunts know that you are a sentinal .. you have 2 huge glowy lazer beam swords and if you are running towards them its nearly 100% that you are about to Force Leap. So they target you, spam their stun hotkey until you are in range (which would happen mid jump) and when you land (because the animation has to run its course) you are stuck their stunned.


This can also be done with grenades. The graphic you see on the ground benith your feet was most likely cast while you were 10 meters back, but like I said, the animation of your Force Leap is just that ... an animation. So when you land, everything that happened to you for that .25 seconds all takes effect before you can take any other action.

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...You can stun people mid-leap. This happens to my Powertech BH occasionally in WZs. It's actually really fun to do if you have a ranged stun...This can also be done with grenades.

Thanks! My situation is no better but nevertheless it's some comfort to know what's going on. I'm not sure how you'd counter this -- leap from stealth? Fake one direction and go another?



I agree with your light saber comment, but I still want one. :p

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Thanks! My situation is no better but nevertheless it's some comfort to know what's going on. I'm not sure how you'd counter this -- leap from stealth? Fake one direction and go another?



I agree with your light saber comment, but I still want one. :p


Don't leap into fight's but use it as closer when you got knocked back?

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I primarly used my Powertech Leap (Jet Charge) to either chase down someone running away, move into melee range on a healer while in the midst of a battle, or to jump up to the upper levels and get the jump on people that thought they were safely out of range. I generally use Grapple if I am running into a fight, this way it seperates them from their group by at least 20 meters, and if you are with a group of people they usually zerg them as that person becomes their new tab target.


Pro-Tip: When you jump you actually reduce the vertical range you are from someone that is above you by 2-3 meters, that has saved my butt a few times. Spacebar > spam Leap It's actually gotten to be a sort of habbit of mine to jump before every leap, it most likely looks retarded, but it does help sometimes.

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