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Can someone be clear about F2p


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Can you at least tell us too if people go free to play, can we purchase-to-own raids and the like so that if we change sub models, we aren't locked out from raiding with our guilds?


If you want to raid then PAY TO PLAY. I hope not and I hope the store is not accessible by F2P players.

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No, The Free to play is an OPTION, not a Focus, for that sole reason it will work


so wrong, look at the EQ2, it will eventually become not only the option, but the only business model,

for in game example, just look the server transfer, it 1st is an option,

then become the only way to force u to get out of those old servers.

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If you need in-combat rez scrolls to beat a raid you are doing something wrong. Stat tomes lost all purpose with Isengard when they removed the stat cap. 70 of a stat is worthless when you are pushing 2k in top end gear. Regen food can be crafted...


Want to give some more examples that I can shoot down?


The few things they have that are actually store exclusive are just for lessening/removing grinds. They are for convenience. They allow the players to decide what is worth more, their time or their money. They do not give power, just alternative ways to attain power that can be obtained within the game.



The Power and Health pots that did not share the cd's with the other pots. The multi disease/wound/poison pots that could be used in-combat. You mention that they stat tomes no longer had a use after Isengard, but you failed to mention that Isengard was released a year after f2p, and most raiding kins had already opt'd in on buying those tomes already. If it's following the LOTRO model then we're in for a bit of a mess. LOTRO stalled with f2p, there were 2? updates in 15 months following f2p implementation. I hear things are smoothing out in LOTRO, haven't checked since I joined TOR (even with a LOTRO lifer account) but believing the transition will be smooth is far from what I expect. Updates will be scarce and bug fixing resources become limited, profits will stabilize and population might actually increase, but there will be growing pains.

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This could all be very well true, but if this does happen THEN the game will fail. Not sure Bioware would do this knowing that ignoring bug fixes and not adding new contest will lose even more people. Why make the change in the first place. just my thoughts.....


You weren't typing that with a straight face, were you? If that's the case, why didn't they fix bugs and release content before now. I've been watching this merry-go-round since Nov 3 2008, trust me when I tell you that the developers for this game... shall we say... embellish.

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What has me worred is this statement..


With Cartel Coins you can purchase convenience items, boosts, visually unique gear, collectibles, and more


What exactly does "Boosts" mean? does it mean stat boosts? because if it does then that's definitely Pay to Win which Bioware has said many many times they would never do..... I would love some clarification on this....


Source: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20120731

Edited by Monoth
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