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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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You too. Stick to consoles and instant gratification models. This isn't the right gaming genre for you.


You need to chill. I'm asking for honest answers, and you gave a good one earlier. You don't need to come on here and judge who is worthy of MMO's and who is not.

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The public forums (or comments section) of every product, service, article, blog, or video on the Internet are filled primarily with people who need attention and so "hate" everything they post about. Rest assured these people are still playing (and paying) regardless of what they say.


Take a quick peek around the Internet and you will quickly see that everyone hates everything and everyone else, and if you don't agree with them, you're a moron. This is obviously not the case. The squeaky wheels have to make the most noise to draw attention to themselves or advance some weird agenda they have against whatever company/person/ideal they are posting about.


The best bet is to just ignore them. If this game, in particular and this company, in particular, were half as bad as the forums would lead you to believe, they'd have been out of business long ago. The game is not dying, the game is not a disaster, the company is not going bankrupt, and they are not secretly out to get you and steal your money. Also, the developers are not idiots, and the secret, shadowy "shareholders" and "investors" are not in a secret conspiracy or plot to make the worst game for the most money just to get you personally.


Ignore it. It will never go away, it will never get better. Bioware could come personally to the homes of these people, pay them a million dollars in cash, interview them extensively on exactly how they want the game to be, and then make it exactly that way, and still they would be on here making the same posts.

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Some people are just miserable little creatures with nothing positive going for them at all anywhere in their lives. And these miserable little creatures have no power or authority or money or influence and so they go online and they gnash their teeth and wail and moan about how EVERYTHING sucks.


But it's not really the game these people hate, it's their lives.


Go look through post history on the LOUDEST and rudest people, whenever I see a new "THIS GAME SUXORZ GG BW!!!" thread I do just that. In the vast majority of cases, these people have been here playing since December, and COMPLAINING since December.


Some of them have created HUNDREDS of "I QUIT" and "THIS GAME SUCKS" threads. I can only conclude that:

1. They are trolling, some of them even admit to it but this does not account for all.

2. Have NOTHING going on their lives to the point they can waste their free time playing games they HATE

3. Are ragers that simply get on to post about how stupid the game is after EVERY wz loss

4. Hate themselves and think they should suffer by forcing them to do things they know they hate

5. Delusional and self absorbed.


But that ignores the fact that people ARE leaving the game.


We can blame trolls for the written hate, but we can't blame them for subs falling below 1million.

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Some people are just miserable little creatures with nothing positive going for them at all anywhere in their lives. And these miserable little creatures have no power or authority or money or influence and so they go online and they gnash their teeth and wail and moan about how EVERYTHING sucks.


But it's not really the game these people hate, it's their lives.


Go look through post history on the LOUDEST and rudest people, whenever I see a new "THIS GAME SUXORZ GG BW!!!" thread I do just that. In the vast majority of cases, these people have been here playing since December, and COMPLAINING since December.


Some of them have created HUNDREDS of "I QUIT" and "THIS GAME SUCKS" threads. I can only conclude that:

1. They are trolling, some of them even admit to it but this does not account for all.

2. Have NOTHING going on their lives to the point they can waste their free time playing games they HATE

3. Are ragers that simply get on to post about how stupid the game is after EVERY wz loss

4. Hate themselves and think they should suffer by forcing them to do things they know they hate

5. Delusional and self absorbed.

....wow, that's just very sad and i hate to say but actually true. :(
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Too linear.


Terrible engine.


No open world pvp.


Too many instances.


Too hard to play with other people (people stealing mobs and drops - why couldnt they do it like gw2


2005 graphics


People dont like gear grinds and dont care about raids. When people (most people) play pvp they dont wanna get facerolled due to gear differences. Yes wow uses this model but most people stay with wow cos it is where their friends from years ago are. If wow came out now it would fail.

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


People Overhyped the game, They were dissapointed by the image THEY made of the game

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Go look through post history on the LOUDEST and rudest people, whenever I see a new "THIS GAME SUXORZ GG BW!!!" thread I do just that. In the vast majority of cases, these people have been here playing since December, and COMPLAINING since December.


The game has been a hundred-million trainwreck since December?

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You need to chill. I'm asking for honest answers, and you gave a good one earlier. You don't need to come on here and judge who is worthy of MMO's and who is not.


That was not in response to you. Look back and you'll see I gave an appropriate answer to the sarcastic question I was asked.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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I do not hate SWTOR. I hate word-games, empty promises and band-aid solutions after months of bleeding.


So if anything, I hate EA for destroying what could have had the potential at being a good game.


Thank you! I swear "You just don't have the patience...." GIve me an effin' break, if they would have listend to, oh I don't know, other industry pioneers, game journalist, the original developers, MMO GAMERS! you know the whole dang GENRE telling them what they need to do, maybe things would be differe... Look at my post history, you will see I never negatively talked about the game till this decision. Not because there weren't problems, but because so many before me had ALREADY TOLD THEM!


Get real... "You just don't have the patience for games like this".... I'd make a smart remark but I ain't that kinda poster.

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But that ignores the fact that people ARE leaving the game.


We can blame trolls for the written hate, but we can't blame them for subs falling below 1million.


I'm not commenting on the number of players, I'm commenting on the vitriol on the forums.


I've quit dozens of games, I quit WoW after being EPICALLY screwed by Blizzard, I quit D3, I quit DDO until they release their next expac... but I've never climbed onto the forums to SCREAM and rant and curse and push people around and call anyone that disagrees with me a stupid little fanboy.

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I presume you've subscribed for at least a year to every MMO you've tried? You have to give them a chance to build momentum after all.


Believe it or not, you do have to give them a chance to grow. And because I have patience, I was part of communities of some of the best, most successful MMORPGs ever made. For example, have you ever heard of Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online? Ever played them?


Didn't think so.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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Believe it or not, you do have to give them a chance to grow. And because I have patience, I was part of communities of some of the best, most successful MMORPGs ever made. For example, have you ever heard of Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online? Ever played them?


Didn't think so.


I've played them and I think you're a tool.

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I'm not commenting on the number of players, I'm commenting on the vitriol on the forums.


I've quit dozens of games, I quit WoW after being EPICALLY screwed by Blizzard, I quit D3, I quit DDO until they release their next expac... but I've never climbed onto the forums to SCREAM and rant and curse and push people around and call anyone that disagrees with me a stupid little fanboy.


Climbing onto the forums to call anyone that disagrees with you "miserable little creatures with nothing positive going for them at all anywhere in their lives" on the other hand...

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Many are ex SWG vets bitter that TOR closed down their pice of crap game and now wish TOR would fail so they can take revenge in their minds.


Yeah, pretty much this


You see a thread called "F2P is the NGE of swtor....." what a stupid thread, the SWG fanatics that got screwed by SOE and have taken a Vendetta against Swtor because its not SWG2

Edited by ChazDoit
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The game has been a hundred-million trainwreck since December?


Wow, way to COMPLETELY miss the entire point of my statement and reply wit ha tiny pithy little one liner that in no way shape or form relates to my statement.


People complain and have complained not since December, but since the BEGINNING OF TIME!

And they will continue to do so until humanity dies out. The biggest complainers have been here for months.


People will quit and do so silently, but the loudest trolls stay because ultimately they just want to be heard, and they can't be heard if they do that.

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People Overhyped the game, They were dissapointed by the image THEY made of the game


Me and my friends didnt know about this game till it came out. I bought it after it came out. So we didnt know anything about the hype and we still thought it was terrible.


TL;DR; Most people dont follow games development like nerdy fanboys or haters. We just play the game and didnt like it. Thats all.


The silent majority have spoken. Swtor isnt fun. End of.

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Believe it or not, you do have to give them a chance to grow. And because I have patience, I was part of communities of some of the best, most successful MMORPGs ever made. For example, have you ever heard of Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online? Ever played them?


Didn't think so.


Ah yes, obviously successful as seen by the millions still playing... oh wait.


Ultima Online? The game involving Player Killers that brought griefing to an art form? The game that gave such delightful terms as 'entrails of test'?


I believe they are still going-perhaps you should play them such they've had so much time to build momentum.

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I'm sorry-telling people they are impatient for expecting a good MMO at launch warrants certain replies.


It was a very good MMORPG at launch by the standards of many. Not you, but many. Go back and read all the reviews by miscellaneous online and print magazines who wrote columns about it 8-10 months ago. And by the history of MMORPG launches spanning 20 years, it was considered a great MMORPG at launch, despite problems.

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That was not in response to you. Look back and you'll see I gave an appropriate answer to the sarcastic question I was asked.


I understand it wasn't to me, but the person you responded to has a right to say what they said. Just keep it civil, and un-internet-ish.

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It was a very good MMORPG at launch by the standards of many. Not you, but many. Go back and read all the reviews by miscellaneous online and print magazines who wrote columns about it 8-10 months ago. And by the history of MMORPG launches spanning 20 years, it was considered a great MMORPG at launch, despite problems.


And what happened when people got to bugged class missions? Bugged operations? Ilum exploits? How many of those columns got past the early-to-mid game?

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